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Status Updates posted by Sharkcat

  1. I have opened my own discord channel share & store my paints: https://discord.gg/6DZdWeq . You will need register yourself to discord with username and email to able to view my channel after accepting invite from link :)

  2. I just realized that i have made about + 100 warpaints, time flies having fun with warpaints... :o

  3. Had fun with easter theme :D

    1. NozZyBoy


      Does anyone know when the event ends for Xbox one 

  4. Made some warpaints for therizinosaurus, check my steam profile and art works :Jerbhi:

  5. Making some warpaints for newest land dinos atm

  6. Still having problems with dino painting, game refuses load paints for some reason.... Can't design any new paints until it gets fixed :Jerbcry:

  7. back from folidays, ready for designing new skins ^^

  8. Designing new skins for newest animals, go ahead and suggest if got ideas :Jerbhi:

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