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  1. Albertosaurus Albertosaurus was a carnivorous dinosaur that lived in Laramidea and North America during the Late Cretaceous of the Mesozoic Era, approximately 70.6 million to 6604.3 million years ago. In-game They avoided the corrupt earth and hid themselves in the Sanken forest. However, E-Alberto, who adapted to the Element, and C-Alberto, who overcame corruption, have been identified in Wasteland. Wild Alberto They inhabit the Sunken Forest and are more docile than other carnivorous dinosaurs, lying on the ground and yawning except when hungry. Therefore, they are rarely attacked if you do not get too close and spoil their good mood. E-Alberto It appears rarely in Wasteland and has several Defense Units with it. They cannot be tamed, but if you defeat them, you can obtain an item called E-type mutagen. C-Alberto It appears rarely in the purple OSD and attacks with contaminated organisms. You cannot tame them, but if you defeat them, you can obtain an item called C- type mutagen. Tame They are docile, so we approach them where they are sitting and resting, handing them their favorite raw meat as we interact with them. When the percentage rises to 99.9, they put their heads down and sit down again. If you can attach a saddle, you have successfully tamed them. Tamed, they do not have outstanding abilities. However, their offspring can be given special abilities by two mutagens. Breeding Their real strength lies after breeding. The fertilized eggs of Albertosaurus can be mutated to E-Alberto by administering the E- type mutagen and to C-Alberto by administering the C- type mutagen. (Administration of E- and C-type mutagens can be done by stacking either one of the mutagens on the fertilized eggs in the inventory.) The imprinting time can be shortened by feeding E-Alberto with elemental shard and C-Alberto with contaminated varicosities, but care must be taken not to exceed the permissible level, because if too much is given, they will run amok and in the worst case, die as they are.(Tolerances can be restored after a period of time.) Ability after taming Alberto It holds the opponent down with its legs and bites his throat, consuming his oxygen level and suffocating him to death. During this time, the attacker continues to consume stamina. (Only medium-sized creatures can be held down.) E-Alberto Increases damage dealt to Corrupted and reduces damage taken from TEK weapons. It can be equipped with a TEK saddle, which consumes Element Dust to disperse a mist of elements around itself. The mist has the effect of reducing the elemental consumption of allied TEK equipment and increasing the melee and defense of allied TEK creatures (including MEKs and Enforcer). Directly giving the element activates the elements in the body, and the TEK saddle and the mounted survivor are taken into the E-Alberto (the rider is invincible while activated, but cannot be unmounted). Attack power and movement speed are increased and stamina is not reduced. It enables the tail cleave and inflicts an elemental drunkenness anomaly that has the effect of reducing attack power and slowing down the opponent. After the effect ends, the defensive power is reduced for 2 minutes and the elemental awakening is disabled for 5 minutes. C-Alberto Increases damage to TEK organisms and TEK building materials and reduces damage from Corrupted. A special saddle called the A-TEK (Abbreviation for anti-TEK) saddle can be equipped. (The A-TEK saddle can be made from polluted materials and TEK saddles.) A-TEK saddles can expend Corrupted Nodule to eject elemental pollution fluid, which has the effect of disabling TEK equipment and TEK saddles. It can also stop the movement of TEK organisms, including MEKs and Enforcer, for a few seconds. Giving the Corrupt Heart directly activates the contaminated tissue in the body, and the A-TEK saddle and the mounted survivor are taken into the C-Alberto (the rider is invincible during activation but cannot be unmounted). It can now generate Corrupt Root, and if there is a survivor or organism on top when it is generated, it will entangle it and stop it from moving (looks similar to Element Node and can generate up to three at the same time). The Corrupt Root burst within seconds of generation, damaging entangled and nearby enemies and inflicting an anomaly that causes sustained consumption of satiety value (Contaminated roots can be destroyed by attacking them). After the effect ends, the defense is reduced for 2 minutes and Corrupted awakening is not possible for 5 minutes.
  2. I want Anomalocaris to be a creature with different appearances and abilities in males and females. wild male It is about 1m size and inhabits shallow waters and wide rivers. Neutral to survivors. Female It is 3 to 4 meters long, larger than males, and lives in the deep sea. The staple food is ammonites. They are very aggressive and will attack even when mounted on large creatures. Taming male Grab and feed a tamed trilobite. Female Feed it ammonite bile to make it passive and steal eggs from its abdomen. Eggs can be placed in a tamed male Anomalocaris inventory to be fertilized. Ability after tame male It acts as an armor by attaching it to the survivor's back (defense is determined by the melee value). For underwater, you can also move quickly like a Tek Chestpiece. Can't be stunned by Cnidaria while equipped on the back. Female You can ride with a saddle. Disables ammonite calls for help, allowing ammonites to be hunted safely. You can also use ammonite bile and narcotic to create a panacea that cures all poisons and diseases. Multiple unfertilized eggs are generated in your inventory and used as ingredients for Extraordinary kibble. While swimming, grants nearby allies a buff effect that allows them to swim at the same speed as Anomalocaris. JP アノマロカリスはオスとメスで見た目も能力も違う生き物であって欲しいと思っています。 野生 男 大きさは1mほどで、浅瀬や広い川になります。 女性 体長3~4メートルでオスより大きく、深海に潜む。 主食はアンモナイト。 彼らは非常に攻撃的で、大きな生き物に乗っても攻撃します。 テイム 男 飼いならされた三葉虫をつかんで餌を与えます。 女性 アンモナイトの胆汁を与えて受動的状態にし、腹部から卵を盗みます。卵は飼い慣らされた雄のアノマロカリのインベントリに入れて受精させることができます。 テイム後の能力 男 生存者の背中に耐えることによって鎧として機能します(防御力は警戒値によって決まります)。水中はTek交換ピースのように真剣に移動することもできます。 背中に装備している間は刺細胞動物に気絶されない。 女性 サドルを付けて乗れます。アンモナイトの助けを求める声を有効にし、安全にアンモナイトを狩ることができます。 また、アンモナイトの胆汁と麻薬を使って、あらゆる毒物や病気を防ぐ万能薬を作ることもできます。 複数の無精卵がインベントリ内に生成され、特別なキブルの材料として使用されます。 泳いでいる間、近くの味方にアノマロカリスと同じ速度で泳ぐことができるバフ効果を与えます。
  3. 英文の下に日本語の原文を記載しています。 Archaeolepis is a Jurassic Lepidoptera about 200 million years old. In-game It is about the same size as a glow bug and has a light-emitting device inside its wings, and uses light-emitting scales to protect itself from natural enemies such as Seekers. Wild Basically, it is harmless to survivors, but when attacked, it will spread scales and apply a debuff that makes it easier to be found by aggressive creatures. Tame Using a sickle to collect bushes near the spawn point of Archaeolepis will give you a chance to collect fertilized eggs. Place the harvested fertilized egg in Crop Plot inventory to wait for it to hatch and grow. When it grows into a pupa, collect it from the Crop Plot inventory and place it on the floor or wall and wait for it to emerge. After emergence, the wings are dried for about an hour to become an adult (imprinting is done only once immediately after emergence). Abilities You can collect scales with special effects for each color. Scales can be combined with other materials to create special potions. The color of the scales is the same as the Gacha, and differs depending on the individual, and it is not known which color of scales can be collected until it reaches adulthood. Also, the color of the scales has nothing to do with the color of the appearance, so it can't be judged by appearance. Red Combining it with Medical Brew allows you to create a Hemostatic. Hemostatic can also be used on tamed creatures, greatly reducing bleed damage as well as increasing the natural health regeneration rate. Blue It can be combined with Narcotic to create a Sedative. The sedative nullifies Yutyrannus and Mammoth's debuffs for 5 minutes, and suppresses Giganoto's rampage. Yellow It can be combined with a Stimulant to create an Strength Enhancer that Enhances attack power. Strength Enhancer increases melee and movement speed for 5 minutes. Black It can be combined with a Bio Toxin to create a Powerful Narcotic. Powerful Narcotic have the same potency as Bio Toxin, but they do not spoil and can be stored like Narcotic. White Can be combined with Energy Brew to create Nourishing Tonic. Nourishing Tonic reduces stamina consumption and increase recovery speed for 5 minutes. It also reduces satiety and water consumption. It can be used as a light source by placing it on the shoulder. When attacked by a Seeker, it shoots glowing scales onto the ground, distracting the Seeker. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- アーケオレピスはおよそ2億年前の鱗翅目。 ゲーム内 グローバグと同じくらいの大きさで羽の内側に発光機器を持ち、発光する鱗粉を利用してシーカーなどの天敵から身を守る。 野生 基本はサバイバーに対して無害であるが、攻撃を受けると鱗粉をまき、攻撃的な生物に見つかりやすくなるデバフをかける。 飼い慣らす アーケオレピスがスポーンした場所の近くの茂みを鎌で採集すると確率で受精卵を採取できる。 採取した受精卵をベリーまたは野菜の育つ菜園のインベントリに入れて孵化と成長を待つ。 蛹まで成長したら菜園のインベントリから回収して床または壁に設置して羽化を待つ。 羽化後は1時間ほどかけて羽を乾かして成虫になる(刷り込みは羽化直後の1回のみ)。 能力 1.色ごとに特別な効果のある鱗粉を採取できる。鱗粉は他の素材を組み合わせて特別な薬を作ることができる。 鱗粉の色はガチャと同様で個体によって違い、どの色の鱗粉が採取できるかは成虫になるまでは分からない。 また、鱗粉の色は外見の色とも無関係なので、見た目で判断することもできない。 赤 止血作用。メディカルブリューと組み合わせることで止血剤を作ることができる。止血剤はテイムされた生物にも使用可能で、ヘルスの自然回復速度の上昇と共に出血ダメージを大幅に減らす。 青 鎮静作用。麻酔薬と組み合わせて鎮静剤を作ることができる。鎮静剤は五分間ユウティラヌスとマンモスのデバフを無効化し、ギガノトの暴走を抑制する。 黄 興奮作用。興奮剤と組み合わせて攻撃力を強化する筋力増強剤を作ることができる。筋力増強剤は五分間メレーと移動速度が上昇する。 黒 麻酔作用。バイオトキシンと組み合わせて強力麻酔薬を作ることができる。強力麻酔剤はバイオトキシンと同じ効力だが腐敗せず、麻酔薬のように保存しておける。 白 滋養強壮作用。エナジーブリューと組み合わせて滋養強壮剤を作ることができる。滋養強壮剤は五分間スタミナの消費量が低下し回復速度が上昇する。また、満腹値と水分量の消費量が低下する。 2.肩に乗せ光源生物として活用することができる。シーカーに攻撃されると発光する鱗粉を地面に放ち、シーカーの注目を逸らすことができる。
  4. I want Anomalocaris to be a creature with different appearances and abilities in males and females. wild male It is about 1m size and inhabits shallow waters and wide rivers. Neutral to survivors. Female It is 3 to 4 meters long, larger than males, and lives in the deep sea. The staple food is ammonites. They are very aggressive and will attack even when mounted on large creatures. Taming male Grab and feed a tamed trilobite. Female Feed it ammonite bile to make it passive and steal eggs from its abdomen. Eggs can be placed in a tamed male Anomalocaris inventory to be fertilized. Ability after tame male It acts as an armor by attaching it to the survivor's back (defense is determined by the melee value). For underwater, you can also move quickly like a Tek Chestpiece. Can't be stunned by Cnidaria while equipped on the back. Female You can ride with a saddle. Disables ammonite calls for help, allowing ammonites to be hunted safely. You can also use ammonite bile and narcotic to create a panacea that cures all poisons and diseases. Multiple unfertilized eggs are generated in your inventory and used as ingredients for Extraordinary kibble. While swimming, grants nearby allies a buff effect that allows them to swim at the same speed as Anomalocaris. JP アノマロカリスはオスとメスで見た目も能力も違う生き物であって欲しいと思っています。 野生 男 大きさは1mほどで、浅瀬や広い川になります。 女性 体長3~4メートルでオスより大きく、深海に潜む。 主食はアンモナイト。 彼らは非常に攻撃的で、大きな生き物に乗っても攻撃します。 飼いならす 男 飼いならされた三葉虫をつかんで餌を与えます。 女性 アンモナイトの胆汁を与えて受動的状態にし、腹部から卵を盗みます。卵は飼い慣らされた雄のアノマロカリのインベントリに入れて受精させることができます。 テイム後の能力 男 生存者の背中に耐えることによって鎧として機能します(防御力は警戒値によって決まります)。水中はTek交換ピースのように真剣に移動することもできます。 背中に装備している間は刺細胞動物に気絶されない。 女性 サドルを付けて乗れます。アンモナイトの助けを求める声を有効にし、安全にアンモナイトを狩ることができます。 また、アンモナイトの胆汁と麻薬を使って、あらゆる毒物や病気を防ぐ万能薬を作ることもできます。 複数の無精卵がインベントリ内に生成され、特別なキブルの材料として使用されます。 泳いでいる間、近くの味方にアノマロカリスと同じ速度で泳ぐことができるバフ効果を与えます。
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