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Early Birds
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About PureWin

  • Birthday 03/21/1991

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  1. Clustering the small tribes servers is going to cause more problems than good. REASONS: - it reduces the number of viable opponents, which in turn results in one tribe controlling an entire cluster (even with 6 people this WILL happen) -you're recreating the cluster-server problem (which is essentially reason 1) -the incentive to restart after getting wiped is reduced to zero due to the inability to build while the large tribes worry about each other since the large tribes will assume dominance over their cluster and continue to keep the server under rule without being kept in check by the threat of the unknown. Essentially, you're creating a scenario where the unknown factor is taken out of the equation for tribes which in turn makes it possible for the experienced players to recreate legacy before transfers were re-enabled. What you'll see is a bunch of dead servers after a month. Additionally, this is NOT what anyone that I've talked to signed up for when they joined the 6-man servers. EDIT: *FRESH* clusters that are non-transferable to/from for the first 4* weeks are a good idea though.
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