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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Tapyourashley

  1. Why is there still no options for turning off/adjusting the smoothing for controller and mouse also still no deadzone settings for controller. why is no one complaining about any of this, if it were up to me i would have everyone in this forum screeming and complaining about it Litrally i have had this game for months and dont even want to start playing because of the controller aim, i know they added aim assist but that just isn't a solution to me and aim assist doesnt make it feel any less poop. At least on survival evolved i could use a cronus to get rid of the deadzone and code my own smoothing that wasn't just built in input lag. I know this might seem like a over reaction but your aim on controller or mouse, is your user interface to the game your playing, if it feels like poop the game feels like poop
  2. yea its on ps5 aswell for both mouse and controller. i dont even mind a little bit of smoothing on mouse or controllers but they have used a controller style spectator cam interpolation instead of just normal smoothing. if you dont know what i mean with interpolation, normal smoothing can feel bad especially if thers loads of it but interpolation is just straight death to mouse aim and still pretty bad for controller. we need on off switch for all smoothing/interpolation. a slider for amount off smoothing or interpolation speed. and can console players please finally have good deadzone settings with options for circle or square deadzones, plus deadzone size instead of the code you ripped from an old original xbox/ps2 game. i will literally give you code for decent controller aim settings if you want it, and i want you to want it
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