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Early Birds
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Everything posted by SocailSlayer12

  1. Its not that there servers need wiped its all the mega alliances that need to be taking out I think 40 man tribe with only 1 alliance between 2 tribes should be maximum and ive played ark seance scorched earth was released but have never been able to get a week into the game without mega alliances taking me out and loosing it all I like pvp but if I attack someone who is more established than me and win they just call their 4000 ark friends to attack me and my maby 10 man tribe and their base is back up in less than a day I have over a hundred friends who will never play ark again just because of the mega alliances alot of these people who want a wipe is because of this reason its not the dinosaur stats or anything else they just want a fair chance at the game but 30 man tribe cant take out 4000 man alliances
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