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Early Birds
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Everything posted by calamari

  1. Deinotherium is undoubtably one of the strangest of all Mammals we can see in pre history but those downward hooked tusks aren't the only unnatural trick up their metaphorical sleeve. Much like Real life's version of Deinotherium I think Arks Version of this Anger Elephant should be noticeable larger than their hair covered counterpart. Deinotherium's anomalous tusks have confused paleontologists for years but are inferred to be used for digging up tree roots and forming channels to find water hidden under the surface as well as being an utterly terrifying weapon when provoked. Thankfully Ark Additions has made a fully flushed out version of what the DEINO might look like in game, While their version poises a very good foundation for the idea I think they missed out on the DEINO's capability for PVP scenarios. Wild: In the Wild you can find them in groups of 5-10 individuals with 1 alpha male and the rest females, Or you can find a lone male if you are lucky enough. When in groups of this size all of the ARK's inhabitants steer clear as to not provoke them. As they are extremely adept to survive in even the most harsh climate you will be able to find them just about everywhere. If they're heard is disturbed they will form a circle around the youngest and attack anything that approaches with no bias. If you target a Deino alone it will charge damaging everything in its wake. In defense against any creature with a minimum of 500 drag weight Deinotherium can gore their aggressor leaving a fatal bleed that lasts for 10 seconds. When an alpha Deinotherium is killed they will drop a alpha Deinotherium tusk which can be used for boss tributes. Taming: To tame one of these Beasts you must first coax them away from their group using their favorite food Honey. This is no easy task as when you are spotted by another member of their group they will all agro onto you. This taming process is passive but has everything to do with timing and patients. once you have a Deinotherium singled out you can start the taming process by dancing along with them using emotes untill you have enough trust to ride them starting the taming bar. If the Deino deems your dance lame it will kill you without hesitation(just like real life). You will then need to walk them 1000 meters per level giving them sweet veggie cakes along the way. This tame isn't inherently easy but can be done early on if prepared for. Tamed: For to long arks PVP scene has been controlled by the same 5 tames, While the addition of both the Desmodus and the Charcha helped there are few to no options for land based PVP tames other than Gigas and Shadowmanes. This will be a tame that can challenge both land and air with the help of a chain bola balista and spear bolt balista on the Deino's primitive saddle while its Tek Saddle can pack a heavy punch to tames at close and long range. When charged simular to a rhino they will gain a charge effect causing increasing damage to anything in its path including metal structures. Deinotherium can come with a selection of 3 different saddles to choose from. A standard platform saddle much like the one Paracer's have. The second of which hones into the possibilities that platform saddles have always had but has never been utilized to its full potential. Sporting 2 separate balista turrets and a overhand for the rider to seek shelter under from the elements and incoming fire. The last saddle is a tek variant with 2 morter cannons maned by the rider of the DEINO and 2 separate maned turrets accessed within a fully protected pilot bay. Controls: left click - trunk swing right click - Tusk Gore left control + left click - Grab anything under 300 drag weight or structures left control + right click - Throw anything you have picked up or place structure C key - budget fear roar Z key - Dig a channel to find seeds and water and make single use crop plot for farming Things to note: I have been working on this concept for a while now and hoped to post it for the relese of Extinction on ASA but have recently started other concepts that are now in the works so stay tuned if you want to see more Concepts like this one.
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