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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Ronniewillis

  1. I play on lost Island server 1683 official pve. The game play is shocking, WC dropped the new map just before Christmas and then all who work there just left for the holidays. The game crashes every 5 mins, lag is terrible, rubber banding. We have lost countless dinos, played reasonably in the morning but still crashes way too much. In the evening it's that bad I can't leave my base, game isn't worth playing. Wild card had to know dropping the new map like with every other map dropped there is always serious issues which need resolved quickly. If they didn't realise there would be issues they are grossly incompetent and if they obviously did know but left the game unattended then they just don't care. For such a popular game it is really in the hands of the wrong company because they really don't care how it effects how plays it. To sum it up I would strongly advise who ever reads this don't play ark survival again as it game is broken on so many levels.
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