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Early Birds
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Everything posted by CrazyBo

  1. Hey guys I installed a dedicated Server on Windows, following the documentation at https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Dedicated_server_setup. The server starts without problems: The Firewall rules are configured properly (Allow UDP/TCP 7777-7778,27015) I need no Port forwarding - the server has a public IP Now I have the following problems: The Server is not listed in the client I cant test the direct connection (Cant open the console in the main menu, I tried ~,§ and every other button on my keyboard - a console button is bound in the keyboard settings) I have noticed, that the server is only listening on udp/7777 and, if I configure it, RCON. But i cannot see any listening on the QueryPort or the peer port: Has anyone similar problems or does someone see, what I am doing wrong? I tried even different types of installation (PowershellGSM, WindowsGSM, Manually - as mentioned) and the result is always the same...
  2. The reason for your observation is, that ASA currently only supports Windows. It is mentioned in the Wiki https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Dedicated_server_setup: Your only option to run an ASA Server on Linux is to use some workaround with wine or similar. Luckily someone did already the dirty work: Check out https://github.com/Acekorneya/Ark-Survival-Ascended-Server.
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