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Posts posted by zero064

  1. The dinos are harder to trap now, since they tend to avoid buildings, but it's still doable. I'd forget the Youtube crew and try different things until you figure out what works.

    Put building pieces on your hotbar and be ready to build quickly once you have the dino in a good spot. As mentioned above, dino gates are your friend here, but you can use foundations and walls too. If you're fast enough, you can build passive dinos into traps when they stop walking. Have plenty of material ready -- it  probably won't work the first try.

    If you have a tribemate around, it's even easier. We've had one person act as bait while the other builds a quick structure around him. It doesn't have to be pretty; just effective.

    • Like 1
  2. I was looking through our blueprint vault on SE today, and I realized it's almost entirely saddles. Not a single hatchet, chainsaw, pike, shotgun or piece of armor.

    What happened to the gear BPs? Surely we haven't been that unlucky. Maybe the drops on SE are sparser than I remember.

  3. 9 hours ago, RedResurrection said:

    Hey, thanks for your response.  When you say a couple weeks, what are we talking about here?  In game weeks?   As in like ~21 in game hours or..?  Also is the cryofridge the best way to level up dinos?  I've been keeping all my water creatures in my fridge and I do notice whenever I let them out they have leveled up.

    Also another random question.  I saw another post about removing some of the restrictions on cryopods.  I tried inserting these changes into the .ini file and yeah.. when I load the game it just changes the .ini file back to the way it was.  I'm on PC gamepass.  Kind of annoying having to carry a generator and cryofridge with me everywhere lol.

    Thanks again!

    It's two real-world weeks when you're playing on a server. I'm not sure how single player handles it -- you might have to leave the game running for the equivalent of two weeks. The ini changes might be just for servers as well. I'm not sure how the game handles that in single player.

  4. You don't need 200+ rexes for the gamma broodmother, but you do need better dinos than you have.

    I could write paragraphs about the subject, but the basics are simple: tame 135+ megatheriums or rexes (whichever one you have a better saddle blueprint for), breed an army and put them in a cryofridge for a couple weeks to level up. Put the resulting points into health/damage and go try the fight.

  5. 43 minutes ago, battlew said:

    so the FPS issue is fixed or so... i went back to similiar my old fps.
    The pixelation is still here instead...
    Are they planning to put an option inside the graphic option or leave it like that?

    Is the FPS issue fixed? I still regularly drop to around 30. I was rarely below 60 before the patch.

    • Thanks 1
  6. I have no idea, but I'd prefer that the development efforts go toward making the game run better before another map comes out. One of those recent patches brought down the framerates of me and the group I play with by a noticeable amount. I'm running at 30-50 fps most of the time now, which is lower than I can stand.

    • Like 1
  7. 21 minutes ago, psionprime said:

    nVidia PC users, try using "-dx11" as a launch option. If that cures much of your crashes, petition nVidia to work with ASA devs to fix their dx12 driver. I put ASA on a new laptop with a nVidia 4090 and lasted about a minute before the shader crash. I moved my wife from 1660 super to a 3060Ti and it had crashes at launch. I used the "-dx11" launch option on both and, viola, no crashes since. My AMD 7900XTx system has,still, never crashed.

    It's a good idea, but it doesn't work for me. My framerate dropped to an unplayable 20-40 (it was 60-110) and there were some graphical glitches, like most parts of the obelisks not being visible.

    On the plus side, it didn't crash. RTX3080 here.

  8. 1 hour ago, faderide said:

    Type this into the console:   r.VolumetricFog 0. All underwater will be much more clear, but it

    will also remove the 'fog' above water as well. 

    Interesting. I did that out of curiosity, along with the volumetric cloud one, and my frame rates got a big boost.

    Well worth the trade-off if you ask me. I'm surprised there isn't an option in the settings menu to turn those off.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, Luxyfufu said:

    From what I read about servers, you need to remove the rawsockets option and you need to enable every other port. aka 7777 7779 7781. Leave one open every time. There is also a very specific port ark uses but I'm not a server host so not sure.


    Turns out there was another update this morning that seems to have fixed my problem. I'm not sure what changed (no patch notes from today), but it works fine now.

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