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Posts posted by Silvaeger

  1. The Giant cave siren take inspiration from Siren Miotexana, Greater Siren, and Olm

    Tamable, Breedable, rideable and temperament is neutral

    Wild: Found in the waters of the fertile and bio-luminescent areas either swimming, singing or attacking its favorite prey the Karkinos

    Taming: idea 1: new item like Karkinos Claws or Legs as the taming food. idea 2: chitin or polymer as taming food 3. let it kill tamed karkinos'


    Fast Regen: like most paedomorphic salamanders it has incredible regeneration capabilities

    Siren Song: able to produce an alluring song that makes creature and people approach it while singing

    Sound Boom: a loud clicking noise that that damages those near by (AOE and short range attack)

    Sirens Wail: a wailling sound that damages those it targets (Long range cone shape like wyvern breath)

    Echolocation: due to being eyeless the siren gets around using echolocation

    Description: a long serpentine body, its head is similar to the olm and equally eyeless, two gill branches on either side of the head, it has long front limbs and it hind limbs only have a webbed foot, the tail has a thin fin along the top and bottom, its back and sides are a mottled brown and the underbelly a blueish green, it has bioluminescent strips along it back and sides the stripes start at the shoulders to the end of the tail

    i would post pictures but i am unable because the file size is to big

    any suggestion and questions are welcome

  2. The Tailless Whip Scorpion (inspirations are Weygoldtina, modern day tailless whip scorpions, and vinigeroons)

    Tamable, breedable and ridable

    Wild: These ambush predators spend their time crawling around on the ground and walls of the fertile area or camouflaged waiting for prey to come near. They have poor eyesight but are highly sensitive to ground vibrations and will attack anything that moves on the ground. If they are heavily damaged they will spray disorienting acid and run away.

    Females are somewhat larger with an exoskeleton that resembles stone, while males are smaller with an exoskeleton that resembles bark

    Taming: Due to their sensitivity to vibrations if one want to to tame one of these arachnids you must stay perfectly still and lure one close to you by throwing items on the ground and once close enough you feed it (im thinking nameless venom)

    Domesticated: once tamed they make great ambush hunters and traversal mounts with their camo and climbing abilities along with their ability to pick up one person or small creature.   The main offensive tactic used by riders of these arachnids is ambush and run.


    Climbing: able to climb on walls and even creatures (im thinking it will be able to crawl around on big enough creatures or it could be more of a latch it would only be able to do this on tamed creatures). 

    Speed Boost: able to preform a short term burst of incredible speed (from whip scorpions normal moving slowly but able to do short burst of quick movment). 

    Acid Spray: able to spray an acid that causes temporary blindness and minor damage (taken from vinageroons). 

    Vibration Sense/Sight: when toggled it allows you to see the vibrations caused by creatures even allowing you to "see" them through walls although creatures and people become invisible in this mode if they don't move or don't tough the ground. 

    Camouflage: females can camo as stones and rocks, males can camo as bushes, vibration sense auto activates while camouflage and cannot be deactivated till you exit camouflage. 

    Ambush: while camouflaged you can target a creature to ambush them by jumping out and impaling them dealing heavy damage. Pickup: able to pickup one person or small creature in its claws it can't attack with its claws while holding something. 

    Single Claw Attack: swipes one of its claws alternating between left and right. 

    Double Claw Attack: attacks with both claws at once

    any suggestions or questions are welcome

  3. While i do agree it may have been better to say this a couples days or a week ago but their choice is a good one as you don't know whats going on in the devs lives and their are the rioters and looters that are distracting people from the protesters who are actually trying to make a change. The postponement may be a disappointment but its the right choice.

    • Facepalm 1
  4. I wonder where chichoose got their Dark forest idea it is a really cool concept I love the art

    I only ask because I have a DLC suggestion on here and one of the biomes is the dark forest and that's how I imagine it except with a black fog/mist

    good job

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