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Posts posted by Sputnicker

  1. 44 minutes ago, Lycan187u said:

    I believe Manti core not landing is normal due to him being scorched earth boss which allows flyers to the boss fight no need for him to land in that fight so the same mechanism  for him on other maps that don't allow flyers.

    Yeah, you're right... it has the same behavior because it is the same creature (Manticore_Character_BP_Easy_C on both).
    But they could make the same thing they did on Ragnarok (Manticore_Character_BP_Easy_Ragnarok_C) and create a new creature based on the main one , but with a different behavior, landing once every few minutes (could be named Manticore_Character_BP_Easy_Valguero_C).

  2. On 1/14/2020 at 11:35 PM, BrunoFENIX said:

    For the sake of the dinosaur gods, someone make this manticora land, preferably before Genesis.

    This. I fear that the manticore bug (and other Valguero related bugs) will fall into the pile of forgotten bugs once Genesis releases, which is a shame since Valguero is an awesome map.
    The worst part is that most bugs related to valguero are extremally easy to fix.

  3. On 9/30/2019 at 9:22 PM, Cedric said:

    It will likely be at 10:00AM PDT but I will try and confirm.

    Cedric, Valguero currently has several bugs that the community doesn't know how WC is dealing with, or if it is at all. This includes the aberrant part, the underground ocean and the red zone not spawning creatures properly (as it did before the 4x weekend event), and the manticore Boss not landing at all or getting stuck on mid air, which makes several people lose their tames due to the boss not wanting to fight. Could you please take a look at these issues and tell us if these things are know bugs, and maybe a timeframe for a bugfix?

  4. 46 minutes ago, AcexHellhound21 said:

    Ok so the First phase of the timer  states "This is Not Ark 2" The next phase that just came through states " Uplink AP Init " me and my bro have been looking around and there is one thing that keeps popping up the banner of extinction which is 42.9 38.6 : Yellow Text.
    A priority Communication recieved: Arat Prime is locked down. Which means it could mean AP stands for Arat Prime and Init meaning Initiating and what backs this up the ending cutscene of Extinction where it says "I'm Coming For You!" which means it would be Arat Prime but this is just a speculation can't wait for the Rest will update this once we find out more thanks for reading.

    Arat Prime is not someone, it's a place. Probably it's based on the Noah's Ark history, in which the Ark rested on mount Ararat, Arat Prime probably is a command center on Earth which could start the ark's returning to earth procedure. I would guess the one who said "I'm coming for you!" would be Rockwell, since it's coming from the aberrant ark.
    That makes me think the new dlc is canonical and post-extinction, since the countdown is a portal system, and on the end of extinction the player ascends.

  5. 4 hours ago, Arkaholic said:

    Good time add those sun glasses for that pesky sun with it's blinding light glare and light shafts or ya know add options to turn them off like people have been asking for years now.

    There was sunglasses skin on the game a few years ago, but they removed it. It looked really cool :(

  6. 3 hours ago, AndrewLB said:

    Sooo..... when are we to expect an update that makes it so players with RTX graphics cards don't constantly crash? And what's up with DLSS being added? Or are they "a little further out?" You guys did go through the trouble of having nVidia add Ark to all their RTX promotional stuff...  Or was that just a marketing ploy to bump sales?  I'm asking because from what i've read on the Unreal Engine's forum that both DLSS and Raytracing  require not only Direct X 12, but also an updated engine which supports the technologies.

    Try to use the command  t.maxfps 30  on the console. It fixed this problem for a tribemate.

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