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DarthArkPrime Server Setting, Rules, and Primitive + Discussions


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8 hours ago, DarthArkPrime said:

Great idea but no way to Police it.  I am really striving to use items that fall by the way side like the compass.  

Love radios, but I don't see any one anyone giving up party chat.

As of 1st day, current count is 133 people are friended and will be sent invite message.  200 people are following this account.  Very healthy considering the notch we fill.

I doubt we have radios in P+ at all. I really hope we get at least a third to a half that signed up. Would love to have a populated somewhat friendly server.

8 hours ago, DarthArkPrime said:

Now if only the Darths and their boat painting vermin would rage quit.  That would be greeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaat.

It's all in good fun. We won't be rage quitting anytime soon. We may consider it on day one though when we are level 1 again running from bugs and compys.

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