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Thanks for nothing


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you know. when i start play again in ark i promised myself to hide all before log/maintence. and i was keep it that. but sometimes forget it. and you know? game f*** me up. many times lost eq, lost dinos, because of everythink. lag/bug/s**t happen. everyday game take me someting, and give me someting. i understand one. keep safe your stuff, then all be good. no matter offline server. all are in cryo now. im ungeared. stayed somewhere outside base keep it luck when ill try to log to game i dont get crash game again. good luck survivers. you are not alone. we are everyone f** up. especially today xD

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Yeah, I see what you are saying. I am careful and know how bad of a developer wildcard are so I don't make gambles when it comes to server resets. The only kits I have lost is due to the server reset a few hours ago and when the alpha dragon spawned in invisible 🫥 🫤 so basically wildcard have been the only people to take a kit from me..... Thanks guys, you're the best dev wildcard 🤡🌍

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