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Map concept (THE VOID), abyss map



Map explaning:

Swim deep into the wonderous abyss with unice species you have never seen before. Wake up in a gigantic underwater cave souronding by dangerous creatures thats wants to kill you where ever you go. Take your steps into the lurking sea and find out whats inside it. Gigantic seamountas and h holes with unknown deapth awaits you. Or you can enter the spiky or cliffy lands in the lurking deatphs. Where ever you go you will never be safe and only an experienced surviver can survive at these deapths.

Detailed explaining:

The void is a concept map made by GOAT and it concist of 3 gigantic underwater caves with all of them have mountans and one of them concist of a svamp. In the lurking deapths you can find new unice creatures and new boimes to explore. For example the underwater mountas making dounklekus a good metal gather here. Or why not the deep holes with unknown deapths and dangaurus creatures. You can also find spike land and cliffs land in the cirkling deaphs were you can find nececary resources or maybe a place for Base.

Up vote this if you want to see this in ASA!


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