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Basiliscus: the green buff immitading allrounder



Name:Basiliscus Maximus 

Common name:Basiliscus 

Temperament Female:Neutral

Temperament Male:Aggressiv

Size:ca.10 Meters


Theese big lizards live in groupes off about 10 individuums, wich are guarded by one Alpha Male,wich kills everything it sees (you can see wich one it is because the Males have bigger crests and sails than the females). The females are less aggressive and do only attack if you attack them or their nests,wich are always attacked by various predators.


The only way to tame a Basiliscus is to jump on a female, take a range weapon and get her trust, with helping her  defending the nest(killing attackers).Ones she trusts you, she will offer you one egg wich you have to raise and then feed the hatchling.


This creature CAN be ridden without a saddle butt its defenetly worth it crafting the saddle because it adds three abbilities:

night vision helmet

minigun (one on each side) 

Foldable glider, with wich it can glide like a maewing


Normal abbilities: 

Running on water

diving very fast without an oxygen stat

swimming exelent 

using its‘s tale as a whip and for picking up creatures up to the size of a stego or allo

copy buffs and special abbilities


Immitating Buffs/ Special abbilities:,

for copying buffs and abbilities you have to immitade the creature until the immitation bar is on 100%.Then youre Basiliscus will get the buff/abbility.Example: when you copy the Sino‘s buff you will get the buff every time your Basiliscus touches water.You can only copy 10 buffs max




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