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mobile base Glypheoidea the Prehistoric Crayfish/Lobster and Mobile Home



Dossier:  Glypheoidea better known by survivors as a Crawdad though In terms of size this thing seems to be around 14ft long sporting two large claws on the front that add a few extra feet in length, and even compares to the Karkinos that roam near it and the Cindarias it eats as snacks. Being the ancestor of our modern Crayfish I can see how this thing has adapted to living in it's many environments both here and across other arks, This cave has water everywhere it's the perfect place for these things to thrive, and seeing it live in the swamp waters, and even the artic has quite a few though they prefer to stay submerged in mud underwater. I have even seen this thing swim in element and thrive it's a very adaptable creature.

Glypheoidea - Wikipedia

Wild: When dealing with them in the wild, they seem harmless in comparison to the Karkinos, in the caves. until a survivor decides to see how hard the shell is. The massive claws can pack a decent punch, and the many legs underneath can carry it at a decent speed. One survivor tried to kill one while hanging from a climbing pick, until the thing dug its claws into the rock and one by one pull itself closer. In order to kill it Mei Yin ended up knocking it upside down with her Drake and making quick work of its underside.

Domestication: Some Survivors have managed to tame these however, using biotoxin to leave it a trail of bread crumbs right into a cannon. After using the cannon on its side to knock it over, it was very quickly knocked unconscious using basic narcotics and fed like any other tame. It still preferred the biotoxin over anything, and even ignored the shocking tranqs we tried previously as it just digested it. After tamed It was quite the useful steed. Not quite as fast as the Rock Drake we use, but quick enough and durable enough to go on extended hunting trips for resources and such. Using a vast amount of wood, and platfibers we managed to make a malleable mobile home on its back that we could fold up if we needed to move anywhere or climb. The driver had to lie down of course to have enough room, but we did manage to fit a fabricator, smithy and even a vault on the back. Once we got to a good stopping place we just unhooked the latches and let to fold back out into an open crafting station. 


Variants: The Glypheoidea being the ancestor of the modern Crayfish It has the potential and capabilities to live in nearly any environment. Crayfish having Gender Dimorphism With females being smaller with lower damage, faster speed, wider tail, and males having larger claws for damage, slower speed, and narrower tails. Variations would be strictly male as the females need a strict environment to actually lay their eggs. Deep Ocean variant found at the bottom of the ocean, Capable of giving off a faint glow around the sides of its legs similar to aberrant creatures. Artic Variant, The spit attack instead of being normal water it is a slowing ice effect like the snow owl except a breath attack like the Managarmr

Giant Crayfish | Elden Ring Wiki

Riding: It would be similar to the Megachelon in the sense that it has 2 basic attacks, 1 Attack using it's claws and another spitting water in front of it, though this uses some of its water stat. This attack can be changed to be a stun like attack similar to the Voidwyrm by feeding it Biotoxin, both slowing creatures hit by it and creatures relatively close to it.

When the Saddle is closed the rider will lay down on its back while riding and the creature is capable of climbing cliffs similar to the Megalania, by digging it's larger claws in to the rock.


Stationary: When not actively moving you can fold the saddle out forming a decently wide platform saddle fitting whatever crafting stations you would like in the slots in the creatures inventory. While in this mode, the creature has half movement speed, and cannot climb. This mode would be useful to accompany survivors near the rock drake nest as a temporary outpost to repair hazmat and or log off, as with a hazard saddle nothing inside is affected by radiation.

Similar in design to a Mobile Home that can fold out when you decide not to go anywhere.


The Glypheoidea is mostly a traveling mount capable of carrying a large amount of items and being a mobile home for an extended period of time, and if Male it could even be a combat mount. A Female could make this a very useful Siege Dino as well As The Enlarge Tail Allows for a Siege Platform to be made providing additional armor and converting the saddle into a pillbox cannon.

TenFold - Mobile Home - YouTube

Breeding: To breed they must be in water and touching the bottom of whatever source to be able to dig in the mud and make a hole to lay eggs in. If not in a suitable environment, the Female is capable to taking an extended period to hatch the eggs inside her body and give a live birth. Additionally Female Variants are capable of being tamed with babies already inside shown by a few eggs being visible by the abdomen, and by the female curling the back of the tail under itself.


It would have half weight on structures, wood, stone, and metal. It would be the first creature that has a water stat that needs instead of a food stat, however It gets water from biotoxin, swimming, and being in range of water, and a slight amount of water gained from fish meat. It's platform saddle would be able to fit everything smaller than an industrial grinder, and a maximum of 5 slots for placeable stations (generator, storage, and crafting) and 1 slot for beds, or seating.)

Basic Primitive Saddle: 5 slots, and 1 slot Both Genders

Hazard Sealed Saddle: 3 Slots and 1 Slot, The Hazard Saddle sports a generator at the back side, (Can be powered by congealed gas balls instead of gasoline to protect from Radiation for all inside the saddle.) Protect from water. Both Genders

Combat Saddle: 2 Slots and 2 slots, Provides additional Armor, and Has a Slot at the back for (Minigun Turret, Catapult Turret, Cannon, and Rocket Turret.) Male Exclusive.

Traveling Outpost: 7 slots and 1 slots. Wider Platform saddle decreases movement speed and climbing speed greatly, when unfolded, creature is completely incapable of movement and will dig into the mud to save energy. Sports a generator at the back side, (Can be powered by congealed gas balls instead of gasoline to protect from Radiation for all inside the saddle.) Protect from water Female Exclusive.

Image Credits: Wikipedia, Elden Ring Wiki, and Youtube TenFold Engineering in that order.

Edited by TerminateU001
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