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Reaper Assassin, the terror of the dark



The reaper assassin is an elongated stalky reaper male, they are extremely skinny and are lighter than a reaper king. they have patrol zones in the red and blue zone. A scythe blade at the end of its tail and dagger like claws on its front arms, it is capable of climbing walls, and can go invisible. able to perform devestating stealth strikes dealing thousands of damage in a single blow if launched at a target while climbing and invisible, did i mention it can go invisible. A tek saddle giving it teleportation, a laser scythe that grows larger with each consecutive hit. It is capable of going on 2 legs to use its front claws, which apply acid burn to anything hit. However unlike other reapers, they only get a 25% damage reduction in the absence of charge light, they also require a saddle to ride. To obtain one you must kill a wild one and get their trophy item, their scythe blade. This can be combined with a pheromone gland in a chem bench to make a special item which i have not named that can be consumed when you have all 75 levels on a max level reaper king embryo. this will convert the embryo to an assassin, in which you will need to get every single level from level 1 to the max a reaper king can get for a successful birth. Their saddle is unlocked at level 100 and their tek saddle unlocked by defeating alpha rockwell. I have no plans of getting art sadly. In terms of stats they would have incredibly high base damage(under the right conditions highest dps of any dino), health comparable to a spino, speed of a rock drake. In the wild they are much stronger and have massive aggro but will never leave their patrol zones, they will not bother you if you are accompanied by a reaper of some sort. Charge makes them hit harder. Good luck.

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