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Problems with mod Download on Linux server


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Hi there! I host my own server with a linux/ubuntu setup and I'm trying to add mods to my server, I followed a post from LHammonds on a post titled "Help installing Ark mods on Linux server" I'll shorten his reply down to what matters for my problem; "

You will need Python3, arkit.py and Ark_Mod_Download.py.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LHammonds/ark-bash/main/arkit.py  --output-document /tmp/arkit.py
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LHammonds/ark-bash/main/Ark_Mod_Downloader.py  --output-document /tmp/Ark_Mod_Downloader.py
The downloader script was modified from the original format which was mainly for Windows platform but now works on Linux.  However, it was supposed to handle downloading all the mods at once but that did not work and I never fixed it.  Just call the script for each individual mod you want downloaded and extracted.

Here is an example of how to call the script for the mod "1609138312" where the game is installed at "/opt/ark/template" and the steam command is "/usr/games/steamcmd"

python3 /opt/ark/Ark_Mod_Downloader.py --modids "1609138312" --workingdir "/opt/ark/template" --steamcmd "/usr/games" --namefile
It will use SteamCMD to download it to the steamapps folder and once done, it will extract it, create the .mod file and place it in the correct "ShooterGame/Content/Mods" folder."

I used the script he had, made my modifications to it, and managed to get it to work with one of the mods I was attempting to download. My problem comes with the mod mentioned in the post above, it seems like steamcmd is refusing to locate the mod, but I checked many times and the command line works and the mod ID is accurate. I'll post the same command line for the mod that worked, and then follow it up with the mod that did not work below:

Success. Downloaded item 731604991 to "/home/jkmk/arkdedicated/steamapps/workshop/content/346110/731604991" (60998180 bytes) cmd used: ['/usr/games/steamcmd', '+login anonymous', '+force_install_dir ', '/home/jkmk/arkdedicated', '+workshop_download_item', '346110', '731604991', '+quit']

ERROR! Download item 1609138312 failed (Failure).cmd used: ['/usr/games/steamcmd', '+login anonymous', '+force_install_dir ', '/home/jkmk/arkdedicated', '+workshop_download_item', '346110', '1609138312', '+quit']

any Guesses on what needs to be changed?

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