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Domination Rex - the hybrid



Hello survivers!

we will show you the domination Rex! with your help we can bring it into the real game



The Domination Rex attacks everyone and everything when it is maturing, even the survivor who imprinted on it.



The Domination Rex is white and similar in appearance to a Rex.png Rex or Giganotosaurus.png Giganotosaurus. However, its arms are a lot larger than those of the Rex, and sport four large claws as well as being covered in rows of large osteoderms. The Domination Rex also has the ability to camoflauge.


When camouflaged, the Domination Rex is visible through the dust clouds it leaves behind when moving. Although they can turn on survivors and creatures while they are growing, they are significantly easier to deal with.


Every Domination Rex born is female, which mean it is incapable of having mate boost.



The Domination Rex cannot be found in the wild. To tame one, the survivor must engineer a Domination Rex Egg and raise the Domination Rex from biWeaponry

Taking down a Domination Rex is not an easy feat. A lone survivor may find it beneficial to carry a Tek Rifle or a Tek Railgun. Since a Tek Railgun can deal heavy amounts of damage to a single creature, it is the ideal choice for killing a Domination Rex. The survivor should sufficiently distance themselves from the Domination Rex in order to ensure that the Domination Rex is not able to attack. Other weapons that can be utilized against a Domination Rex include an Assault Rifle or a Fabricated Sniper Rifle.



The Domination Rex possesses a large Health pool and powerful Melee Damage, as well as camouflage and high Movement Speed.rth.General

The Domination Rex is a formidable opponent in battle. An imprinted and leveled Domination Rex can prove quite dangerous, and in some situations, deadly. Its ability to camouflage similar to a Rock Drake coupled with its Movement Speed allows it to easily ambush enemies. The Domination Rex can also utilize its pin ability to instantly kill smaller creatures.



The use of a leveled Giganotosaurus, a well bred Rex, or a Magmasaur may prove essential in the defeat of a Domination Rex. Using a Brachiosaurus is also a viable method, as their mega stomp attack can output large amounts of damage.


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