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STEAMPS3 - AsyncTCPSocket Created and Destroyed


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I just saw this come up in the console on my server today, running Ubuntu, nothing special in the config, server's been running for quite a while now and never seen it before...anyone know what this is trying to tell me?

Lines of text come up and look like this:

STEAMPS3 - AsyncTCPSocket created

STEAMPS3 - AsncTCPSocket destroyed

Etc....for about 12 lines and then it stopped.  I was on the server when it happened, it started and stopped while I was still on line.  It didn't seem to effect my game any.  I logged off normally shortly after and have been watching the server console to see if it happens any more.

Update:  When I attempted to log back in to the server after this happened, I was unable to.  After restarting the server I was then able to log in normally.  I will keep monitoring the server and update this post with any additional symptoms or messages as they happen.

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  • 6 months later...

Having the same issue with my dedicated server in current version [253.5]. The dedicated server and my client are running on the same machine without issues (no CPU spikes, 3 GB free RAM). Another player is connected through a working OpenVPN tunnel (UDP) (connecting to ARK via Internet is awkward, so we try this solution). Whenever the Async messages appear, he get's a lag until he disconnects. After this, he can't even see any of my LAN games (ARK, Space Engineers) any more. He has to reconnect the OpenVPN tunnel (which hasn't any error messages in the logs, neither client nor server) to get it work again. That's really strange, and I don't know a solution. We both checked our network settings, router settings, verified game files etc., but nothing seems to help. :(

Switching to Raw Sockets is a really bad idea, because it will lead to corruptions due to weird movements.

I'm uncertain that hick-ups on the Steam servers may be the problem, but as mentioned above, there's no direct connection possible, currently.

Any ideas? I will switch the game to internet access again via Port Forwarding to bypass OpenVPN connection and look if the problem occurs here, too. However, I've read a lot of these messages related to normal internet dedicated servers.

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