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Port Fowarding with Xfinity

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I am attempting to set up a dedicated server with ports SP: 7777, PP: 7778, and QP: 27015 using ARK Server Manager 
However, whenever I try to apply the port settings, I get the "We're having some trouble" error message. I've tried adding the ports as an exception to my firewall, disabling Advanced Security, reinstalling the app, (Xfinity removed all support for the xFi website) disabling my firewall/antivirus, and making my IP static. 
I attempted to contact Xfinity support and attempted to resolve the issue there, but it was unsuccessful. (as you'd except)
I am mainly posting this to see if anyone else using Xfinity has had this issue. If anyone has found a solution please let me know!

Also resetting the router is an absolute no-no for me.

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I'm in the same boat, I'm trying to revive my old cluster and can't forward any ports due to my xfinity modem/router.

AFAIK, the only solution is to get a separate router and set your xfinity modem to bridge mode(this will disable the xfinity router and make it function as a modem only), then set up the new router to forward the ports.

One drawback to this solution is that you will have to reconnect all of your wireless devices to the new router's wifi network, but you probably wont have to restart it as often as the xfinity one, so that's a plus.

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