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amphibian Rhinesuchus The mud skipping Amphbian





Dossior Description


Rhinesuchus is the largest Amphibian I Have ever seen; however, in a place like this, it's wondering how this animal survives in this environment astonishes me. This unique animal adaptation causes it to convert itself from a cocoon similar to a lungfish and go into a hibernation state. The cocoon seems to have plentiful resources such as black pearls, biotoxin, and cementing paste. After closer examination, I have discovered that Rhinesuchus constantly secretes liquid from its body, causing the dry ground around it to turn into mud to cool it down. When water is scarce, it uses its mucus to moisten the soil to make it is swimming in the ground at astonishing speeds. It moves at such speeds that I have witnessed it ambush a raptor and be dragged down to the ground, drowning it in the process. Rhinesuchos has been observed to swing mud with its tail at potential prey and predators. The mucus of this massive amphibian laced with dirt seems to create a type of poison that causes a state of paralysis to go unconscious and later causes death to the victim.


To tame this monster, you must drag it out of the water and wait until it gets dehydrated. Then you must use a cold tek canteen, pour water on its body, and give it some fish or black pearls. You got yourself a Rhinosuchos. Rhinesuchus can be used to convert the chitin in its inventory to black pearls when tamed. This creature's mucus can also be used as a substitute for a biotoxin. Rhinesuchus can also be trained to create mud craters with its body, causing any potential enemy towards the crater to sink to its demise. The mud also can heal allied creatures as it rejuvenates them


So when coming up with this creature, I realized that scorched earth lacks oceanic resources like Biotoxin and Black pearls. You can only get by killing Death Worms. Also, we lack amphibian species as we only have the beezlebufo and the Diplocalus, so it would be cool If we had another amphibian in the game that is viable for scorch earth and possibly when transferring to other maps.

Regular spawns

So in the wild, Rhinesuchus will be a neutral creature that can span all over the map; however, the way it spawns is unique. In areas of water, the creature will spawn like any other creature; its temperament will be similar to a dire bear as they don't attack unless you get too close to the water, but if further away from the water, it will only attack if provoked.

Cocoon spawns

But when they spawn away from water, they spawn inside a giant mud cocoon instead of being a wandering animal. This spawn method is similar to giant bees as they only leave the cocoon when it is destroyed. I got this idea from the 3rd Walking with Monsters episode, as the Rhinesuchus had cocooned itself in extreme conditions.

However, suppose you decide not to destroy the cocoon. In that case, you can open the inventory of the cocoon like a beaver damn as the cocoon contain resources such as cementing paste, black pearls, and a new resource, Rhinesuchus mucus, which can be used as a substitute for BioToxin.

Wild behavior.

When provoked, the rhinesuchus will attack anything; however, this creature will target invertebrates over anything. Wild rhinesuchas can grab creatures and swim in the soil as the mucus on their body turns the sand around them to mu,d giving them the ability to swim in the ground. When the ground is swimming, they can drag creatures the size of a saber tooth maximum with their jaws and bury their prey to death. It can also, through the mud at enemies, causes a debuff called toxic paralysis which causes the enemy to freeze solid, drains health, and raise torpor. If you attack rhinesuchas, you will take a type of thorn damage that increases torpor called The touch of death.

How to tame

To tame this creature, you must first keep them out of the water and surround them with heat to dry them out. Fire can work, but it's at risk of killing it. But you could also scorch earth heat wave weather event can dry them out naturally without hurting it. After it's dried out, use A Cold tek canteen to put it in its rehydrating state. When it's rehydrating you can feed it Exsiptional Kibble, Biotoxin/mucus Black pearls, or Raw fish meat. Then, after all that, its tamed

Once Tamed, What does it do, and how does it function

Passive ability

The rhinesuchas, once tamed, can do many things. It has Immunity to poison-based attacks, and It passively produces the Mucas in its inventory, so you can have a subsite for Biotoxin. When attacking insects, it can gather Black pearls from them as it converts the chitin to Black pearls.


Left click is a Standard Bite.

Right Click does the dragging bite that can be used to drag drown creatures up to a Sabor Tooth size and drown them.

Space can make it jump out of the ground.

Left click and space makes the launching bite attack, which does more damage and inflicts the toxic paralysis debuff.

C Is an AOE attack that causes the rhinesuchas to swing its body around and use its tail to throw mud at enemies.

CTRT Just moves the creature from standard ground mode to mud swimming mode

Note: when in ground mode, its slower, and all it can do is a bite attack

Note: I haven't designed it yet, but I will make a concept of the saddle resembling a jet ski mixed with a doom buggy.

The Environmental Effects of scorched earth affect the Rhinesuchas

I wanted this creature to be affected by scorched earth environment for its adaptable nature, but scorched earth weather can affect the rhinesuchas functionality.

Thunder Storms: Thunderstorms do not affect the rhinesuchas

Rain: Actually, give The rhinesuchas a buff called hydrated buff. This buff can only work during Rain and will NOT activate when entering the water. This buff provides faster HP regen and stamina, Increased damage, and increased Movement speed.

Sand storms: It's immune to the sand storms' effects giving players the ability to travel through annoying sand storms instead of waiting them out

Heatwave: When the rhinesuchas is in a heat wave, it will go into its dehydrated debuff causing, which causes it to take damage over time, similar to a baslio, and you will not be able to go into mud swimming mode as it completely dried out. Also, during a heat wave, the rhinesuchas will no longer be able to inflict its thorns damage.

Weakness: The rhinesucas Is weak toward heat-based attacks, so fire from wyverns, Flamethrowers, Amagara, and Magmasaurs Will cause the dehydrated Debuff, but it will still be able to go to mud swimming mode but is significantly weeker when on fire.

Combating The Dehydration debuff: You can get rid of the debuff by putting the rhinesuchas in water or using a cryopod.

Other uses

Muddy Sink Hole Trap: The rhinesucas can be used as a stationary sinkhole trap. It has different effects based on a creature's drag weight; small creatures will sink to instant death, medium creatures will be trapped in the sinkhole as the rhinesucas begins to attack and attempt to drag them down, and large creatures don't skink at all but can be slowed down by the sink hole. To break the sinkhole, explosives will work at getting destroying the sinkhole and getting the rhinesucas out.

Blackpearl farm: Its a great black pearl form insects in a simler way to how a Beezlebufo can gather cementing paste from insects

Note the heatwave Does not inflict Dehydration debuff when in this Sinkhole mode.

When in Water

The rhinesucas is also helpful in water, having some different abilities in water than on land. I wanted to show what this can do when transferred out of Scorch Earth.

Left click: Standard bite

Right Click: this is a lounging bite attack.

😄  The C attack activates a buff called rejuvenating mud: basically, this ability acts similar to a dadedon healing ability though it only works in water. It also Heals fully aquatic creatures quickly, while semiAqutics don't heal as quickly. As with more water, the mucus gains healing qualities.

CTRT: CRTL activities the mud mist, which AOE attack of a cloud of muddy ink that does the same debuffs as the C attack on land

Its also Immune to Jellyfish stings





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Just now, Kaizilla said:




Rhinesuchus is the largest Amphibian I Have ever seen; however, in a place like this, it's wondering how this animal survives in this environment astonishes me. This unique animal adaptation causes it to convert itself from a cocoon similar to a lungfish and go into a hibernation state. The cocoon seems to have plentiful resources such as black pearls, biotoxin, and cementing paste. After closer examination, I have discovered that Rhinesuchus constantly secretes liquid from its body, causing the dry ground around it to turn into mud to cool it down. When water is scarce, it uses its mucus to moisten the soil to make it is swimming in the ground at astonishing speeds. It moves at such speeds that I have witnessed it ambush a raptor and be dragged down to the ground, drowning it in the process. Rhinesuchos has been observed to swing mud with its tail at potential prey and predators. The mucus of this massive amphibian laced with dirt seems to create a type of poison that causes a state of paralysis to go unconscious and later causes death to the victim.




To tame this monster, you must drag it out of the water and wait until it gets dehydrated. Then you must use a cold tek canteen, pour water on its body, and give it some fish or black pearls. You got yourself a Rhinosuchos. Rhinesuchus can be used to convert the chitin in its inventory to black pearls when tamed. This creature's mucus can also be used as a substitute for a biotoxin. Rhinesuchus can also be trained to create mud craters with its body, causing any potential enemy towards the crater to sink to its demise. The mud also can heal allied creatures as it rejuvenates them





Will update tomorrow

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