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Tarbosaurus - Ultimate Sniffer



Common Name: Tarbosaurus

Species: Tarbosaurus bataar

Time: Late Cretaceous 

Diet: Carnivore

Temperament: Aggressive



Tarbosaurus bataar is a slightly smaller version of the T. Rex, and usually has brighter coloring than one. They usually hunt in pairs and are very territorial. When they spot something entering their territory, they usually attempt to intimidate it before attacking. These creatures have impeccable senses of smell, allowing them to smell prey from very large distances, so don’t think you’re safe just hiding behind a rock. 


Taming this creature is very difficult as it can sniff you out even in a full ghillie suit. The only way to safely approach this creature is to let it know that you are not a threat. Slowly walk over to the creature with a low posture without any weapons whatsoever. If you do have a weapon, they will smell it and perceive you as a threat. Once you do get close enough, then you must feed it either deathworm horns or a special food like wyvern milk or nameless venom.


When domesticated, Tarbosaurus bataar becomes very useful for its owner is that is mainly thanks to one thing: it’s sense of smell. Tarbosaurus’ sense of smell allows it to detect anything in it’s vicinity, meaning traversing the dunes can be much safer as the Tarbosaurus can smell Deathworms, allowing survivors to avoid them. It’s sense of smell is so good, it can even smell how powerful something is, allowing it to assess a threat better than any other creature in the desert. It also has a mighty roar that is able to scare off smaller nuisances, but not as well as a Yutyrannus.


- Normal bite attack, a little bit weaker than a rex

- A stomp attack that can weakly damage stone and does knock back

- Smell ability that allows it to smell creatures in a wide radius and can allow player to see the creature’s stats when close enough and can also be used to see the stats of eggs which can be useful when getting wyvern eggs (around the distance you need to be to see info on something with a spyglass)

- Roar that is similar to a Yutyrannus roar that can scare things off as large as a carno, but doesn’t last as long as a yuty roar

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Lore: tarbosaurus has a rivalry with t Rex which causes tarbosaurus to be banished to the Sandunes.


taming: in order to tame one, it must be a sandstorm or super heat wave the tarbosaurus will be weaker and more likely to be tamed. When you find one give it either food or water from your canteen. This will game the tarbosaurus trust then you must track down and kill a T. rex the one who exiled the tarbo the map of Mark, which one it is once this is done the tarbo is yours.


combat:primary attack is a bite

Secondary attack is a grab and thrash it's able to grab anything to the size of a thorny dragon and thrashing around, causing bleeding

Third attack stomp only works on solid surfaces, not on Sandune's

Also, using the boat and thrash attacks will cause tarbosaurus to lose teeth with you, then can make tarbosaurus arrows.


tarbosaur arrows: these arrows are made from the fallen teeth of tarbosaurus and these arrows can pierce through armor, and even structures up to stone also affected for Taming armoured creatures, since this will ignore armour.




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The tarbosaurius is a cousin of the rex from Asian from the late cretaceous. 

El tarbosaurio es un primo del rex proveniente de Asia del cretacico tardío 

The tarbosaurius is a high territorial creature aggressive with all creature except little creatures like compys, dimorphodon or other little shoulder creatures.This mean you will need little creatures to getting closer and give him food.

El tarbosaurio es una criatura altamente territorial y agresiva con todas las criaturas, excepto con las criaturas pequeñas como los compys, dimorphodon u otras pequeñas criaturas de hombros. Esto significa que necesitarás pequeñas criaturas para acercarte y darle comida.

The tarbo will accept food like raw or Cooked of any type and rotten meat.

El tarbo aceptará alimentos como crudos o cocidos de cualquier tipo y carne podrida. 

The tarbosaurius tame consist in wait when he is lying down with his mouth open and get closer with the food and a little creature in your shoulder you can feed him,but if he is stand up he will attack you.

El tarbosaurio domesticado consiste en esperar cuando esta acostado con la boca abierta y acercarse con comida y una pequeña criatura en tu hombro le puedes dar de comer, pero si esta de pie te atacara.

The tarbosaurius abilities are a rush to a enemy that will cause a big amount of torpor to him causing knockout of the enemy when he is hit, this can work to tame creatures of any sizes excetp creatures of a massive size. Other option is that you can grab small or middle size creatures or survivors with his jaws that can cause the enemy to bleed.

Las habilidades de tarbosaurius son una carrera para un enemigo que le causará una gran cantidad de letargo y lo dejará fuera de combate cuando sea golpeado, esto puede funcionar para domesticar criaturas de cualquier tamaño, excepto criaturas de gran tamaño. Otra opción es que puedes agarrar criaturas de tamaño pequeño o mediano o sobrevivientes con sus mandíbulas que pueden hacer que el enemigo sangre.

Its saddle is a helmet that will protect the head of the tarbosaur from attacks to the head by arrows or firearms, and the part where the driver will be will make a very similar to that of the magmasaur where the rider will be safe from any attack. 

su montura es un casco que protegera al tarbosaurio de ataques a la cabeza por parte de flechas o armas de fuego, y la parte donde el conductor va estar va hacer una muy similar a la del magmasaurio donde el jinete estara a salvo de cualquier ataque

In addition the helmet will increase the torpor in the rush and also increasing his durability to any attack. 

Además el casco aumentará el torpor en las embestidas y también aumentará su durabilidad ante cualquier ataque. 

I will thanks a lot if this creature end in the game but if don't i will tried next time :)

Le agradeceré mucho si esta criatura termina en el juego, pero si no, lo intentaré la próxima vez.🙂

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6 hours ago, Lordtitanosaur said:

Lore: tarbosaurus has a rivalry with t Rex which causes tarbosaurus to be banished to the Sandunes.


taming: in order to tame one, it must be a sandstorm or super heat wave the tarbosaurus will be weaker and more likely to be tamed. When you find one give it either food or water from your canteen. This will game the tarbosaurus trust then you must track down and kill a T. rex the one who exiled the tarbo the map of Mark, which one it is once this is done the tarbo is yours.


combat:primary attack is a bite

Secondary attack is a grab and thrash it's able to grab anything to the size of a thorny dragon and thrashing around, causing bleeding

Third attack stomp only works on solid surfaces, not on Sandune's

Also, using the boat and thrash attacks will cause tarbosaurus to lose teeth with you, then can make tarbosaurus arrows.


tarbosaur arrows: these arrows are made from the fallen teeth of tarbosaurus and these arrows can pierce through armor, and even structures up to stone also affected for Taming armoured creatures, since this will ignore armour.




think the two of us did a similar thing, take my vote

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Tarbosaurus bataar is a slightly smaller cousin to the rex that lived in a desert irl!
Conditions in the Gobi Desert back in the late Cretaceous were very harsh, and Tarbosaurus was the apex predator of this region, so I see it as a creature that would be a master of dealing with the harsh conditions specific to Scorched Earth.

Example dossier showing proof of concept:

Abilities Tarbosaurus would have:

* Insulation - Tarbosaurus would provide both hypothermic and hyperthermic insulation that scales with its melee damage, just like Otters and Dimetrodon have, but neither of those are in Scorched Earth and you can't ride them, so I think it's a worthy addition. Also like otters and dimetrodon this ability could be used to hatch eggs.
        - A possible added feature to this ability would be an Insulation Radius stat that you could increase to make it insulate people/egg that are farther away.

Justification: The region it's from irl is known for getting both very hot and very cold so it makes sense that it would be able to withstand those temperatures, and dinos sharing their abilities with their rider is very typical for ark. The fact that the insulation mechanic already exists but can't be found on Scorched Earth leaves a clear niche for this creature to occupy. Insulation Radius as a stat would be an interesting addition that would help with things like large breeding projects, travelling in groups with only one Tarbo, etc, and there's a precedent for it in Charge Emission Range on light pets and Nursing Effectiveness on Maewings.

* Camouflage - Tarbosaurus can blend in with its desert environment, which takes the form of it being able to go partially invisible like a rock drake. It has also learned to take advantage of the harsh weather by blending in even better and even disguising its hunting partners along with it. Using its camouflage ability during a severe weather event (Sandstorm, Heatwave, Electrical Storm, and Rainstorm) will cause it and its nearby allies to go fully invisible, as per a female shadowmane's roar.
        - Because the point of this creature would be to take advantage of weather events that are potentially crippling to other players (by being able to go fully invisible and by resisting heatwaves with their insulation) Tarbosaurus would also be able to move at a normal speed/not suffer stamina drain during a sandstorm)

Justification: Since Tarbos were so specially adapted for their desert home irl, I see them as being something that would be uniquely capable of toughing the harsh conditions on Scorched Earth. The cloaking ability would allow pretty normal gameplay for PVE, being able to sneak around a bit better, and I think the advanced cloaking would make for some very interesting pvp encounters- sneaking up to an enemy base unseen during a sandstorm when their creatures are weakened, and so on.

* Jumping - Most large carnivores in ark can't jump, including rexes, but Tarbos- as a slightly smaller relative of rexes- is a bit more agile and is able to jump. It's probably also faster, more similar to a Carno in speed.

Justification: I think it makes sense that they would be able to jump, and that it would add a little pizazz that differentiates them from the other big theropods.

You should vote for Tarbosaurus because:
* They're from a desert in real life so it would be very fitting
* The insulation ability would be really useful for surviving in Scorched Earth what with the heatwaves and all
* Would also make it possible to hatch eggs without an AC, something that's not currently an easy feat on this map lol and which you can do on other maps with other dinos
* Cloaking ability would be cool and would make them feel unique as a predator
* Advanced cloaking during weather events would make for some unique PVP possibilities on Scorched Earth
* Tarbosaurus bataar literally means "Awesome Lizard Hero"
* It is my partner's favorite dinosaur and I'm not telling him I'm submitting this so he will be so surprised and happy if they get added :)

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Tarbosaurus / Verwandter von Tyrannosaurus /

Tarbosaurus ist eine Gattung theropoder Dinosaurier aus der Familie der Tyrannosauridae, die während der späten Oberkreide in der Mongolei stirbt und heißt auch T-Bataar und war eine große Raubtier. Die bekanntesten waren von 10 bis 12 Meter hoch und wiegt 4000kg. Im Jahr 1946 stellte die sowjetische-mongolische Expedition einen großen Schädel und einige Wirbel in der Nemegt-Formation in der Wüste-Gobi auf. Tarbosaurus ist aus relativ reichem und gut erhaltenem fossilem Material bekannt. Tatsächlich gehört ein Viertel aller in der Nemegt-Formation gesammelten Fossilien zu Tarbosaurus.

Medien (43)Beschreibung :

Tarbosaurus Bataar


Malejew, 1955


Klassifizierung: Tyrannosaurinae

Fortbewegung: zweibeinig

Ernährung: Fleischfresser

Bedeutung des Namens: furchteinflößende Echse

Tarbosaurus war ein großer, zweibeiniger Theropode und lebte am Ende der Kreidezeit vor etwa 66 Millionen Jahren in der heutigen Mongolei. Dieser Fleischfresser wurde von einer sowjetisch-mongolischen Expedition im Jahr 1946 in der Wüste Gobi entdeckt, der Fund besteht aus einem Schädel und einigen Wirbelknochen. Tarbosaurus war praktisch mit Tyrannosaurus rex identisch, es gibt nur einige geringfügige Unterschiede in der Struktur der Schädelknochen, um die zwei Arten zu unterscheiden. Tarbosaurus ist von mehreren sehr gut erhaltenen Fossilen bekannt, einschließlich einiger vollständiger Schädel und fast vollständiger Skeletten.

Obwohl er kleiner war als Tyrannosaurus rex , gehörte Tarbosaurus zu den größten Tieren aus der umfangreichen Dinosaurierfamilie der Tyrannosaurinae . Die größten bekannten Exemplare waren zwischen 10 und 12 Metern lang, das Gewicht ist mit 5 Tonnen dem des Tyrannosaurus vergleichbar oder war etwas geringer. Der größte bekannte Tarbosaurus-Schädel ist mehr als 1,3 m lang und somit größer als bei allen anderen Tyrannosauriern außer beim TyrannosaurusSelbst. Große Öffnungen im Schädel (Fenestrae) reduzierten dessen Gewicht. In seinen Kiefern enthalten sich bis zu 64 lange, nach hinten gebogene Zähne. Die überwiegende Mehrheit der Tarbosaurus-Fossilien sind aus der Nemegt-Formation der südlichen Mongolei bekannt.

Höhe: 4 m

Länge: 11 m

Gewicht: 5 to

Holotyp: PIN 551-1

Fundort: Nemegt-Formation, Nemegtskaya Svita, Khermeen Tsav, Omnogov, 

Zähmung: Betäuben, oder Passiv Fleisch vorwerfen in Sichersten Entfernung. 





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