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oviraptor Citipati also known as "big mama".



This oviraptor is found roaming the deserts hunting for small food to survive. 

Personality- These creatures are as tall as 9ft. The citipati is a very caring creature, often seen with a big nest full of an assortment of eggs. Or an unusual mix of creatures it has imprinted with and nurtured to form a small herd. These creatures would rather sacrifice themselves then see the young die. Using it's skills to attract the attacking creature and forcing them to follow the citipati away from the young. Because the citipati is still an oviraptor they love to steal eggs and add them to there nest to care for. If they do end up over whelmed with young or eggs they will often move the baby to a new place where it can be cared for by others. Every Herd Is willing to assist with each other, taking in babies or eggs others cant tend to and helping during Creatures invading the nests if nearby Other Citipati will jump in to help. You will often see many small nest around, this just means more help if needed down the road for the Citipati.

Gender Differences- Often male citipati are smaller but speedier and often much brighter colors, they are usually the ones out collecting food for the herd.  Female citipati are much bigger with larger tail feathers, often dull colors to blend into the environment. They are often found keeping the young together and protecting them. Out of the two, females are often the ones most aggressive but if the female does die the male will move the herd to a new area to find a new mate to protect the young or joining nests nearby. The citipati herd itself without any other species they collect, consist of one female and many males.


  Strafing- With a light weight body and feathers to help push that thin body around, riders can command an agile strafe while in combat or on the move to doge attacks or objects in the way.

  Long range attack- Riders can store a verity of small items that the citipati can then use to shoot at enemies, a helpful tool when aggroing a creature away from a location! Depending on the item shot this can allow different outcomes. This includes rocks which can increase torpor per hit. With enough shooting at once this will force enemies to retreat due to being overwhelmed.

  Blindness- The citipati love to utilize the environment around them. quickly using their tails to fling sand into the eyes of enemies that get to close.

  Aggro Producer- These creatures when needed will charge at enemies and do a tail swipe, this angering the target and forcing them to attack the Citipati over any other creature.

Tamed- When tamed this creature is one of the best to protect other tames more so babies, these creatures are best at getting attention and leading creatures away, then being able to lose the target thanks to its agile movement, gliding abilities and long range shooting. 

Untamed- The Citipati is a timid creature, often watching from afar and staying clear of harmful creatures, but when near a nest of one they change how they act quick! the Females Take charge and use all they have to take aggro to the invader, shooting at them until they take chase, they then run off with the enemies moving them away from the nest  taking advantage of the terrain and environment to trick the enemy as well as trap them so that they cant come back this often being cliffs that the target can fall off of. As the males of the herd form a defense circle around the young, though smaller then the female this will not stop them from attacking anything that comes near, They have numbers after all and they will utilize that as much as possible, unionizing shooting scare off enemies.


   Riding- Thanks to the thin body and small feathers they are able to glide short distances, the thin bodies allow fast movement and agile way to strafe when needed.

   Gliding- Thanks to there feathers both tail and arms this allows gliding, giving them a quick retreat when needed.

  Turretbeing a turret that can shoot stores ammo at creatures, doing so with multiple can overwhelm targets and keep them away, more are needed to overwhelm bigger carnivores.

  Tame Helping- Thanks to its smart ability to imprint and caring nature on many different creatures, citipati is a great helper when taming, while taming citipati will watch you feed creatures and then mimic what you did as well as imprint your scent onto the creature and soothing it. The Citipati due to its Great tactics, it is able to aggro any who wish to harm the creature and chase it off. coming back after the chase to continue the taming care.  because of its different shooting items, this creature can apply torpor depending on the ammo, this helps greatly and blend well with its agile nature to help with taking a creature down.

How to Tame Citipati-due to there timid nature its hard to catch one but they are smart and if they don't see ill intentions to their young they will start to take a liking to you. Simply put wearing a ghilie and leaving food at nests will allow them to see you as a friend then after helping raise a baby to adult hood will allow you to tame the female, this entail means petting babies around the female or manually feeding them, as she sees you as part of the herd. For the males they are very loyal to the female of the herd and will not be tamed with out one, simply taming a female and then in turn throwing food to a male while mounted on the female, will entice them to join your herd instead. while mounted on a female the males will not run from you. Both cannot just be knocked out and tamed, they are far to smart and loyal to just give up on their herd.


The citipati wiki and art concept that gave me the ideas! Thanks for reading and sorry for possible word soup.



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On 4/9/2023 at 11:23 AM, Trizcuit413 said:

I was actually going to submit this! Added idea - like the oviraptor, these guys were egg eaters. Given the introduction of wild babies, we will likely see wild nests and these could be egg stealers/collectors.

When let loose near nests or individuals breeding Dino’s, they can sneak and steal them. Could also be used for large breeders when offline - set them on wander in your breeding area, leave Dino’s on breed, & they’ll collect your eggs. Egg weight reductions by 75%.

Maybe try a different species of oviraptor ,

I mean there has to other species right ?

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I was actually going to submit this! Added idea - like the oviraptor, these guys were egg eaters. Given the introduction of wild babies, we will likely see wild nests and these could be egg stealers/collectors.

When let loose near nests or individuals breeding Dino’s, they can sneak and steal them. Could also be used for large breeders when offline - set them on wander in your breeding area, leave Dino’s on breed, & they’ll collect your eggs. Egg weight reductions by 75%.

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