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video Ark Svartalfheim Guides ( All Artifacts and More )


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Hi all, 

I am pretty excited about Ark Svartalfheim New Map and have been doing videos about it, so i thought i would share the videos on how to get all the artifacts in the New Map Ark Svartalfheim. 

I hope it gets voted and accepted to official maps since its an amazing map, the best i've seen so far :)

( i'll update this list for more guides as they become available )

1. Artifact of the Immune and Cunning ( Sulfur Wyvern Cave )

2. Artifact of the Devourer

3. Artifact of the Skylord Not Easy :)

4. Artifact of the Pack

5. Artifact of the Massive

6. Artifact of the Cleaver

7. Artifact of the Brute

8. Artifact of the Strong


9. Element Ore location in the Radiation Zone


10. How to get to Underground World Ark Svartalfheim


11. Overseer Boss Arena Location Ark Svartalfhiem


12. Dwarven Forge Smelting Methril Ore Pure Gold and Obsidian Flux


13. Killing Berserk Creatures to get diamonds energy crystals and obsidian flux


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