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Named as "Single Crested Lizard" 

This would be an interesting add to the ark world, It is distinctive by the single crest on its skull, they claim it could've been used for mating. The crest was also used to intensify the roar, it could be useful in communicating in a flock while hunting. They're comfortable hunting alone or in groups. 




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The Monolophosaurus was a Late-Jurrasic period therapod dinosaur found in modern day Xinjiang China, named for it's prominent central head crest and was an apex predator at the time which was capable of felling larger creatures like stegosaurus and smaller sauropods

History lesson aside,  the unique crest which is responsible for this awesome dinosaur's name should be utilized in a manner that would make it stand out instead of simply being like a stronger raptor. Even though they were truly pack oriented in real-life, in Ark I could see them as mid-teir strength solitary hunters. They would be able to use their crests in a variety of useful ways to both assist the player and create interesting and niche functionality

Diet: Carnivore

Habitat: Mountains, Dense Jungles

Size: Roughly the size of an Iguanodon

Taming Method: Music would need to be played nearby in order to soothe/mesmerize it (such as war drums) which will slowly raise it's taming meter. While in this "soothed state" in the midst of the music, wild monolophosaurus will not attack unless attacked, but still roam around


1. Echo: On cooldown, a loud war-horn sound is echoed from within the monolophosaurus's crest which can be heard from a decent distance away

2. Calming Bellow: A toggleable low humming/growling sound which drains oxygen over time that is capable of increasing allies stamina regeneration and decrease food/water drain slightly

3. Uplifting Melody: An ocarina-esque sound produced from the crest on cooldown creates a melody that lifts the spirits of allies, temporarily increasing their weight stat by 15-20% of it's normal maximum

Bonus Ability: Toggleable "Musical Mode" of some form that allows at random for Ark's musical motifs to be played through a wooden flute or ocarina sound


Hopefully this dinosaur can get the love that it deserves, and I'm sure that many people would be able to find both fun uses for this dino in pve, and some possibly powerful strategies particularly with the stamina buff for pvp


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Habitat: Volcanic biomes, jungle 

Diet: Carnivore 

Temperament: Extremely p*ssed off 

Taming: Must get their health to 10% or below and wait for their rage attack animation to finish before feeding them mutton or exceptional kibble 

Abilities: Being naturally angry, this creature is a force to be reckoned with, even the apex tyrannosaurids are wary of this creature. It possesses the ability to increase in strength when weakened, as its health goes down the Monolophosaurus melee and movement speed increases, making this a formidable opponent. It has a debuffing screech which increases on the basis of the damage it has suffered from enemy attacks. For example, a creature that has dealt the Monolophosaurus 10 damage will be more debuffed than a creature that has done 5 damage. When killed by an enemy, it releases a rage quit screech which increases the incoming damage to the creature that killed it for 30 seconds. It also has a turret mode which acts as a wild creature deterrent causing them to stay a safe good distance from your Monolophosaurus 

Screenshot 2023-01-15 202611.png

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Monolophosaurus Jiangi es un carnívoro que merodea por las tierras del pantano en manada, acechando a los dinosaurios herbívoros que consideran como presas. Agresivo hacia los humanos y dinosaurios, se mantendrá al margen ante un depredador de mayor tamaño (como un Spinosaurus).

Los supervivientes deben tener más cuidado a partir de ahora cuando se acerquen a los pantanos; Ya que éste dinosaurio posee un veneno altamente narcótico y alucinógeno.

Domesticado y habilidades:

Este dinosaurio es como un Dilophosaurus montable, de mayor tamaño, y que además posee unas habilidades algo curiosas.

El Monolophosaurus posee un veneno paralizante y alucinógeno que te permitirá subir una gran cantidad de letargo por cada disparo; Pero esto tendrá una caída de 10 segundos entre intervalos de disparos. Este dinosaurio podría ser una gran alternativa a los rifles de dardos que todos conocemos, y aportar una nueva forma de dormir dinosaurios.

A parte, dispondrás de un ataque normal y uno especial.

Ataque Especial: Segregará una gran cantidad de veneno en su mandíbula, y provocará un ataque alucinógeno a quien le muerda, similar al estado de las setas de Aberration; Este ataque especial tendrá un coldown mayor al anterior (aproximadamente 30 segundos)

Ataque Normal: Mordisco.

El Monolophosaurus podrá también segregar una sustancia especial en su inventario, que le permitirá al superviviente utilizarlo como narcótico.

En cuanto al desplazamiento, es un dinosaurio versátil, similar al de un "Raptor" convirtiéndose en una montura autosuficiente para tamear dinosaurios y explorar el terreno incluyendo también un salto para obstáculos del camino.

Para disfrutar de todas sus habilidades, el superviviente deberá equipar una montura al Monolophosaurus.


El comportamiento del Monolophosaurus es agresivo hacia humanos y dinosaurios; Los que intenten domesticarlo, deben tener cuidado con su ataque alucinógeno; Si aun así consiguen atraparlo con una "boleadora" el Monolophosaurus podrá seguir disparando con gran precisión durmiendo al jugador. La forma mas eficaz de tameo seria utilizar un "Proyectil de red" 

Información Científica:

Monolophosaurus era un terópodo de tamaño mediano que medía entre 5 y 6 metros de largo y pesaba hasta 1.500 libras. Este depredador es más famoso por la cresta de su cabeza, aunque es más avanzado que los primitivos dinosaurios con cresta como Dilophosaurus. Se sabía que cazaba en manadas para derribar saurópodos, como los carnívoros más avanzados durante los últimos tiempos del Jurásico. Tenía dientes afilados, serrados y una cabeza grande y delgada. El área donde se econtró Monolophosaurus sugiere que mostró signos de agua; probablemente en orillas de lagos o pantanos.

Monolofosaurio Dossier.jpg


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How this thing would work is every 5 days a special event will occur where the monolopho actively hunts for you and trys to kill you, through scent this thing will try to track you and kill you, to tame it you have to trap it and knock it out, inject it with a syringe made of 1 giga heart, 1 alpha rex tooth and 3 crystal, 15 metal. inject it and it will wake up and using it will use neck thrills to make 4 targets you have to shoot (500 damage a target), if you fail it will use its poison breath to sufficate and try to kill you, you can only calm it down by knocking it out again. when succesful it will run away, after 5 minutes about it will come back and you have to sacrifice a creature rex grade once you do that its yours. 




left: Bite


Right click: Gas attack causes dinos to sufficate in a fairly big area, liquid cause a giant spill where you spit it at which poisons dinos, solid does the most damage, has most range but nothing special about it, can damage up to tek


C :you can choose between liquid, gas or solid spit through this


X : Sit

Ctrl: Fear roar that intimidates creatures like gigas in carchas


This is basically meant to be the third king of the ark alongside gigas and carchas


Gigas focus more on brute strength

Carchas focus on speed and doing better overtime

Monos an inbetween of these with ranged attacks


same stats as both of those 2

I made this in a rush so sorry if this is impropor or bad

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