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Fjordur 1210 - Aberration Cave Issues


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Problem Abe-Cave: The cave is more or less ruined because of blocked entrance or pathway further in. Most of the players here cannot farm the public resources inside it. WC will not do much about...
...this or they will take ages to do so. It is up to the community here to find a solution (Follows...).

Suggestion/Solution 1: Every single one of us removes all stryders/rides from that cave and park outside in such a way that none is blocked from entering.

Suggestion/Solution 2: Every single one of us downloads plenty of stryders using the terminal inside and block the entire cave for all players. Or just park alot of huge dinos...
...along the pathways inside. None of us will ever be able to move inside there. That way the game is fair to all players and not just a few of us.

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