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Main Ark getting stale. We NEED prim+!!!


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Take a step back in time. Remember first waking up on the beach, confused as to your fist step in your quest for survival. Punch a tree and you're one step closer to ensuring you see another day. 

This game was a huge influence on my budding love for the survival genre. The progression, in the early days, made me feel accomplished while still keeping that ever looming sense of evisceration around every tree trunk. 

With the introduction of the tek tier, things got exciting... For a time. You could feel like a God in a sea of monsters...but did this new power dilute the spirit of the game? In my opinion, yes. Especially since the drop of Gen 2. 

When I play Ark today, it doesn't feel difficult. It doesn't feel exciting. It doesn't feel like the environment is my enemy. A rex is the least of my worries, as I can now just jet pack away. 

We NEED primitive plus back. 

The style and feel of the game is at its best when limited to the earlier technologies. When you have to use strategy, skill and luck to lure a Spino into your trap to begin taming, rather than hovering mid-air, well out of harm's way and hoping you don't run out of tranq darts. 

We NEED primitive plus back! 

Crafting was MUCH more intricate. The variety of building materials was delightful. The very real NEED to band together in a community was amazing!


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