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Create new dino unclaim rank



Unless I am misunderstanding the tribe ranking system and/or the tribe governance system, it does not appear there is any way to differentiate restrictions on the unclaim dino (a.k.a cryo dinos) aside from outright restricting all cryo/unclaim by rank or restricting to admin only. Obviously no tribe members can function without cryo anymore so neither option is functional. Ideally, it would be nice to be able to let people use cryos/upload tames/etc while still keeping breeders, turret dinos, or certain other specifics locked. I tried to research as to whether there was some sort of hidden setting for this within tame ordering rank or tame inventory ranks but did not see any evidence there was. Furthermore, it's difficult to test any of these settings by myself since I am tribe owner. I would like to suggest adding an unclaiming/cryo dino rank and default unclaim/cryo rank to dinos and group rankings so specific dinos can be restricted while still allowing general use of cryopods. Or if that is not an option it would probably be sufficient to add unclaim/cryo into one of the existing tame categories like tame inventory or tame ordering ranks(although this would probably add some confusion to the system).  If anyone knows of some existing setting that allows these kinds of specifics already, please enlighten me. Thank you!

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