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pve Looking for some more people to play on our Server (currently Ragnarok)

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this weekend me and my brother rented an Nitrado Ark Server (10 Slots as of now). Plan is to rent it at least until the end of the year or how long everyone of us enjoys playing regularly.

We freshly started just a few days ago and there is only the 2 of us. Figured it would be even more fun to get some more people there to trade, play and maybe even pvp with. 


As there are 10 available slots there is potentially place for 8 others who would also like to not play alone (we are online nearly daily)

Only  4 (imho common sense) rules would apply: 

Absolutely NO offline Raiding/Stealing/Killing of Dinosaurs.
Leave Taming Grps/Guys alone.
If possible, do not ruin the land scape by mindlessly building ugly cubicles.
Do not be a sausage.


We set the configurations for a nice gameplay flow which means;

  • Daytime is around 6hrs realtime
  • Nighttime is around 5 MIN realtime (we dont enjoy the darkness - you cant see poop :D)
  • EXP Gain x3
  • 10x on taming speed (this might be a bit too high, might change it to 6 or so depending on feedback)
  • Player Dmg Done is increased x2 
  • Wild Dino Dmg decreased to 0.7 (so you get not insta ragdolled but 2hitted)
  • Respawnrates for Ressources greatly reduced.
  • Ressource gain slightly increased. 
  • No Sicknesses
  • Stamina drain for players reduced by 50%
  • Corpse Marker and Crosshair activated
  • some more i cant remember. Simply put - nothing too high to take the fun out of it, but not too low for too much grind.


If you have any questions left, feel free to ask me anything and if this sounds like something you would enjoy - let me know here, or on discord via Necro_93#1618, or on Steam via rolfkopter1993

Thanks and hopefully see you soon.

(side note: we are both working and in our 20's so we are mainly online on weekends and evenings. Would be great if you too where at least 18+)

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  1. In the Steam client under View > Servers, click the "Favorites" tab.
  2. Add your server by clicking "Add A Server", then entering your Server Address into the popup box and clicking "Add This Address To Favorites".
  3. Open the game (ARK) and click "Join ARK".
  4. In the bottom left corner under the filter options, change the Session Filter to "Favorites".
  5. The Port is usually +1 of your Games Port. (when Nitrade says your game has ip you MUST write to join)
  6. Press refresh, and then you should see your server and be able to join.
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