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Open Tribe  ·  42 members

The Lost

tired of noobs and so called 'pro players'


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hey man i saw ur add looking for new people im pretty new to the game about 1 month playing had it for about 6 or so but didnt touch the game after i played the singleplayer to a fabricator n made weapons got bored im learning alot really fast and had alot of bad experiences with tribes but i gather this will be no issue for u guys im a very good team player i follow instructions and learn quickly im busy this week coz of a rental inspection and psych appointment but i can be on almost 24/7 i have a lvl 67? a bit higher character but thats coz i had to start over and over again coz of problems and bad instructions and such from other players and tribes like 3 times now atleast ive had to start over i spent 1 whole week playng this game 24/7 soloing on my raft base killing 3 out of 5 argies with x plant turrets and survived 3 raid attemps from wyverns i only lost it coz i was helping this other guy who wanted to play rag and left my boat at red ob on a server that was controlled by the hunters i feel like right now im doing everything i have been asked by other dumb players who are either noobs and humoring them answering all there dumb questions or 'pros' who are far intellecutally arrogant and unwilling to put in the work

for example he wanted a 5x11 stone base somewhere and im the poor guy who had to collect all the stone to fund there stupid ideas and a kibble farm only for them to rage quit after one raid and my boat base with x plants survived i only made the raft base in my free time after helping them with there own stupid ideas and talking about being alpha or watever and getting some random item or thing that woudl supposdely help us so much

sigh i dont mean to rant but i feel like its relative that wat im trying to say is im a good player and did all the work i can play for a very long time and im learning very quickly 

thank u for ur time reading this i hope to hear from u


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