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Update the folder heirarchy for the crafting menu



The folder hierarchy for crafting is a bit chaotic - particular the 'flexible' items, that appear in their own folder. Can you move the Flexible Electric Cable from Electrical to Structures > Electrical with the other cables? Similarly the flexible pipe should be moved from Stone > Pipes to Structures > Pipes with the other pipes. 

It's also quite unclear what the difference between electric and electrical is? Electrical almost seems like mostly cabling but then has the elevators and gun in there? And the fridges are inconsistent, as the Refrigerator is in Structs Electric, but the preserving bin is in Structures > Fridges, if they could be in a consistent place it would make finding them easier.

If you could could the saddles by their size that'd be good as well (and could give more of an indication for what counts as a big egg when brewing 😁).

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