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My textures look like litteral playdough.


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So, i tried resetting my drivers, updating my drivers, validating my game, changing my drivers and a bunch of stuff.. 

ALL MY TEXTURES ARE raptorING PLAYDOUGH??? I AM LOSING MY MINDDD. It has never happened before and restarting my pc and game hasn't worked. I also tried optimizing my game on the gefore experience app..


pictures: https://gyazo.com/fdbd8c6e6826c9e65402d8c111ab489c

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well, firstly, this isn't a Server Administration issue.


That being said, you need to keep into account the following:

Ark has a tendency of loading in assets at the lowest setting until your graphics card draws the asset.

This could be attributed to the noticeably larger amount of RAM Genesis Part 2 is consuming, but Cedric has advised the dev team are aware of this on Twitter and it's going to be fixed in an optimization patch in the future.


However, this could also be attributed to other factors, like your pc specs, driver bugs, memory issues, and even if you are playing the game from a HDD or SSD.

We would really need more information to begin troubleshooting, it's a good thing Windows has the DirectX Diagnostics tool which can give a report that shows your system specs, what driver versions are installed, and the date the updates were published. To get to this, open the Start Menu, in the search bard, type 'DXDIAG' and hit enter. This can take up to a minute to collect all data. If you could save that to a file, we can at least cross off the basic steps from the checklist.

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