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OK I have come back with more ideas for my last post. Ok the Shantungrosaurus could be a large herbivore that is docile to players but not to carnivores and will attack them on sight. The Shant should have a higher health pool then a Rex but not as much of attack. The Shant should also be quite slow. The primary attack should be a stomp and secondary attack the Shant stands up on its hind legs and does a massive stomp which deals a decent amount of damage and stuns enemies. The tame should be for higher level players but of course not too high. The saddle should have up to 4 seats only two of them should allow players to use weapons and those seats should be the back and middle. Also add baby creatures in the wild that tame automatically  tame with the parent but can die and needs constant attention. There should also be nests where eggs are left behind, very rarely should be fertilised. Creatures should also be able to sit allowing them to regain health faster only if food is in the creatures inventory! If anyone thinks Wildcard will actually see this pls comment down below 

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