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Admin Tool Overhaul



Ark has its fair share of bugs and occosional issues which lead to players submitting tickets about lost tames, characters, or items but the process they use to compensate players is extremely inefficient. They spawn in new wild dinos to a max of level 210(I might be wrong on that) ,but won't restore stats, colors, or in some cases imprint. Characters lost lose their tekgrams and if you ever lose items due to glitches they don't restore them. I think it would be benefical and easier on the ark dev team if they implemented an overhaul on the tribe log system with admin tools. Such as whenever you die or if you join a tribe it will store a hidden copy of the data from your character that can be accessed through admins. For example I recently lost a bunch of items because I found a false positive in the antimesh when transporting 250 stack of metal on Abberation It deleted my inventory and when I submitted a ticket they said they can't restore items. A good solution to something like this or similar issues of bugs causing loss of items would for the tribe log to save a copy of your inventory whenever you die that can only be restored by an admin. For character loss if they had tribes save data on characters from their most recent transfer they could do character restorations much easier. It would esstienally save your level, stats, and tekgrams registered on your character along with your character ID for imprint. For lost dinos due to bugs and glitches they can do a very similar thing. Everytime a dinosaur dies it saves a copy of it's stats, levels, colors, etc that an admin could come in and restore easily with one click of a button. It would streamline the process for many of their tickets about these issues and greatly improve community approval for restoration tickets.

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