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The Great Turret Debate


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The Great Turret Debate

Hi all,

So, im sure this is a conversation you have had a million times (pvp), what is the best setting for turrets. Well, with the introduction of the tek skiff, space whale, magma and various other changes, I thought it may be worth sparking the conversation again. 

I tend to role with: 

Range - Most on high, a couple on medium to avoid the tek turrets getting rocketed after the high heavies have drained.

Placing - Standard hatch frame set up, some over hanging (although ive seen this could be rocketed from directly under?), some turrets on the floor, just incase the hatchframes get destroyed by cannons.

Setting - Mostly players and mounted. A few on Players and tamed (avoid someone whistling a tame on your structures). 

Any advice/advances/shares on this would be welcome!!

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