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The journal


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Day One

I don’t know where to start, I’ve just woke up on some messed up island with some weird… thing in my arm. I have managed to get a campfire started and I am currently sat by some rocks seeking cover from the wind, my god its cold. I don’t remember much about getting here, what I do know is my name is Chase, I am 27 years old, and this isn’t the world I come from. I come from a world of technology and museums filled with amazing dinosaur bones and fossils to discover, now I’m in a land where they are walking around in front of me. I studied electrical engineering at university but was always a dinosaur nerd. The last thing I remember is going to sleep after a long day at work and kissing my wife before turning over to sleep in my warm king sized bed, now I am here.

I harvested some fiber from the plants around me and grabbed some thatch from the trees to make a makeshift note, I’m using crushed berries and a stick to attempt writing this, I don’t even know why I’m writing this. Well that was a lie, actually it’s because I am scared poopless and my own company is the only company I have at the moment, plus writing distracts my mind slightly.

It’s the dead of night, pitch black with nothing to be seen around me but plenty to be heard. The sounds are reminiscent to a bird, the flapping sound of wings in the distance is ever growing louder, I can now vaguely see a very small shadow coming towards me, but some of the most fearsome dinosaurs where never very big, or so I read. I don’t know why I was brought here, maybe I’m stuck in a coma and this is all a horrible dream? Maybe my memories of my life were never real? Who knows and who cares, I’m about to die now anyway.

The shadow eventually gave shape, I can’t lie I did start to weep silently to myself as I closed my eyes but nothing happened, the flapping stopped as did the footsteps. I looked up to realise what a fool I am, the fearsome creature among the nights jet black blanket of darkness was none other than a Dodo bird, famous for their idiocy that helped get them killed frequently. I laughed to myself, then looked across the beach just a few meters from where I was curled up and saw a breath-taking view of the sun fighting away the dark spread over the island, the warmth slowly started to fill my body as I started to tremble less and my breathing became calm.
“Wow” I said out loud.
As beautiful as this sight is, I stopped at the realisation that daytime won’t last forever and I need to start making some clothes and getting food.

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