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XBOX Dedicated Server Hosting

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My friends and I are starting a dedicated server for xbox arc (only because we play on xbox and we have been told that PC can't hold an XBOX sessions). We want to make the best possible experience for our users. However, can't find the techspecs for a good server. Any help on the following questions would help.

What firewall ports should be open for dedicated XBOX hosting?

I understand that there is a max of 50 allowed on these servers. How much upstream/downstream internet bandwidth should we have?

We are unable to find a guide to the xbox admin manager. As a result, any time we change a setting, we have to bring down the server and bring it back up. Is there a way to do this without having to take the server offline?

Is there a way to reserve spot for admins?

Last but not least, my friends are out of town. Is there a way for the admins to remote administer the xbox when I am away if they have the password? If so, what is the best way.

Thanks in advance... ArkLifeUS

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