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pvp Tired of struggling against Mega tribes on Official Servers?


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Ark Official server environment has become a toxic and almost unplayable environment with Mega tribes making it impossible to progress through the game and enjoy some PVP fun. Although we are aware of the admin abuse that happens on unofficial server we would like to offer an unofficial environment where player could progress through the game without admin abuse.

We hope that the following game setting on our server will assist in creating a playable environment where all survivors have a chance to build up their bases and engage in PVP game play.

Tribes sizes limited to 6 players per tribe to avoid alpha/mega tribes from forming.

Offline raiding is disabled so player don’t lose all their hard work while they must go to school or work. (please note that there is a 30min cool down before you structure and things become safe. The 30 min is set in place so player don’t just sign out the moment there are at risk of being raided once you are part of a tribe war stand your ground and fight)

Players who join this server need to know that they will still be raided although we ask all player to give new survivors a fighting chance to find a tribe and setup base.

There is no harm in engaging in a fight with another survivor when they pose a threat to your tame or resource gathering operations or even to take a survivor out to gain access to resources he/she was gathering.  We do however not promote just flying around the map and killing survivors to gain control or alpha status of the map.

You are not allowed to block player spawn locations on the server. If your base resides on a one spawn point by accident you won't be penalized. This only refers to tribes blocking multiple spawn points for the purpose of not allowing any new players to play on the server, example: using 1x1 locked structures or spiked walls that players cannot get out. admins reserve the right to remove these structures and if deemed necessary all structure belonging to offending tribes without warning.

Periodic events will take place on this server just like in Official servers where multipliers will be applied to certain aspects of the game.

If you feel that this is the kind of PVP environment you have been looking for please feel free to join the server all survivors who want to play Ragnarok PVP in good spirit are welcome. The success of this server will determine whether we release server with other maps as well.

Server name: Friendly PVPVE nitrado.net Gameserver (search for the server in the unofficial list)

Server IP:

Join the Facebook page for regular updates on events and to contact server admins.


Note the server will start at day 1 at around 6am ET on the 19 September 2017

See you soon and enjoy the game!!!

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