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pvp Wipe9/18 Experian 10xALL[S+][ORP][KITS][Classic]


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As title states server just wiped and looking for players.


Our desire is to keep rules to an absolute minimum whilst maintaining an atmosphere that players with different playstyles enjoy. We like to see PvP play out and to leave as much as possible in the hands of the players. For this reason we do not have set rules in regards to killing passive dinos, offline raiding etc. If a tribe offline raids and kills passives, get together with friends and stomp them if you can! Admins do not get involved in these things unless they cross the line between aggressive and griefing--see our "don't be a♥♥♥♥♥♥policy below.

No hacking or exploiting
Zero tolerance policy on proven hacking. Exploiting may result in a ban or a warning depending on the situation. Exploiting consists of using any game bugs for an unfair advantage. We will look into all cases and handle them appropriately. If you wish to appeal the punishment *Creative platform builds are not considered exploiting, allow your imagination to go wild and have fun! Being under the world however is exploiting.

Treat Admins with some courtesy
If you disagree with something you may come on Discord and talk with them about it, or private message please keep it out of global chat if possible

Global Chat
Excessive toxicity in chat may earn you a warning or a ban at the Admin's discretion. PvP chat can be a trash talk fest and that's fine; it's a part of the game some people enjoy. Please understand there is a line. Do not accuse others of hacking or cheating in global. If you suspect this, contact an Admin.

Do not block locations with foundation/pillar spam
Foundations/pillars can be used to reserve a building spot if they surround at least a small starter base and there is steady progress on expanding it. Don't spam foundations down then just leave them whilst you work on a base at another location. This does not mean you cannot protect your base with pillars adding another layer onto your base protection.
Building restrictions
Don't block obelisks. No blocking underwater loot crates. Please be considerate about blocking farm spawns.No vault walls more than one vault thick (no stacking). Vault buffers can be built on ceilings provided that they are again only 1 thick (no stacking), and are not rigged to fall (must be placed on metal ceilings) no building in the center of the volcano island it is a main farming area for metal, Or the metal caves in the redwoods. Tribe base limit to 1 per server.

Clean up!
Any offensive structure that is used for a raid must be destroyed after the raid is done. Please tidy up your taming pens.

Cave Building
No building inside the caves or blocking entrances with structures or turrets, that contain artifacts and cave drops they need to be left open. The deep sea cave pockets are okay to build in if you so choose.

Tribe Member Limit
Tribes are limited to 10 members - no alliance invitations

Tribe and Player Names
Do not impersonate other tribes on the server by copying their tribe name. Impersonating an admin with proof screenshot or video will result in an immediate ban 

Don't Be a♥♥♥♥♥♥Policy
Aggressive play is fine. Here are some examples of things that fall under "being a♥♥♥♥♥♥ as opposed to being an aggressive player/tribe:Blocking people from coming and going from their base outside of a direct raid or blocking them from building within a reasonable radius of their own base. Killing a large amount of passive tames at a base outside of a raid. Spawn camping for a protracted time after a successful raid to stop the players from getting back in and building up. Raiding the same tribe daily. Inside raiding is frowned upon. Tanking bullets outside of a raid. Fully levelled players/tribes frequently seeking out and killing/raiding new players under max level.(edited)
This will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. If you know the difference between being aggressive and being a griefer, you'll have no issues. Do mostly as you like but keep in mind if your actions hurt the server population you risk being punished.

P.S. We encourage you raid the admins we do have admin commands on so they can’t cheat as well as we record every raid we do so if you have any issues please private message us or talk to us in discord, we are always around to help.

Server Stats:

Player Level 185
Dino Level 150 +100 levels
Gather Rate 10x
Exp rate x10
Taming x10
Breeding is all 20x


Boosted Fabricator+ [2.0]
Automated Ark
Dino Tracker
HG Stacking Mod 10000-90
Kibble Table
Bore Water Pipe
Classic Flyers




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