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pve Old Gamer on Ragnarok PVE whitelisted Server needs Survivors


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Old gamer here. I have an Unpopulated Whitelisted Ragnorak PVE Server  2.5 xp 4x tame 3x gather .08 water and food drain 8x maturation and day night cycle is pretty good, a little more day and a little less night.And I would like to put a tribe together of 4-6 players to play the map including underwater, caves and endgame, new players are welcome. I am would prefer players in the northeast US to keep ping down. I am not in a “rush” , I would like an even pace and be able to enjoy the game. There will be no pvp. Because the  Ragnarok server is whitelisted it is a pretty secure enviorment. mods are S+ , classic flyers , auto torch

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Id like to join. Im coming from ps4 pvp official, but im tired of the constant grind to stay alpha.  Ragnarok is a beautiful map that i wanna explore and build on, while also keeping up with the story of ark. Not really sure how modded custom servers and stuff work as like i said i never played much on pc. Also im from maryland so ping wouldnt be an issue.

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