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HELP choosing Server


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Hi I've watched a few videos on youtube and I'd like some advice on which server to join. I recently started playing with a friend of mine and his friends and at first I had a lot of fun. We were leveling up, building our base. My favourite moment was our first RAID and the thrill and the danger of possibly dying but the excitement of knowing we might come back rich with ressources and LOOT from the raid ;)


But somehow, this server js not really geared to PvP in the way that I thought. Most bases around us are so heavily fortified we'll have to farm for ages before we can gear up and be powerful enough to take em down... So this server, although it's PvP never has any PvP... Plus it has a "offline RAID restriction" that makes it impossible to attack a base if the owner's have been gone for more than 25 mins I think...

So yeah, there's the PvE element which is fun I guess. But I feel like I don't get nearly as much adrenaline and laughter as I did in those 5 minutes of our first amateur raid on a small base...

I'd like some advice on which servers I should consider joining. Here are my expectations/preferences:

- PvP >>> I love the thrill of battle, outwitting, sneaking around, pirate life ;)

- Community >>> I don't want to end up on a server where it feels like all the MMOs I've tried before. Where you'Re getting your azz level boosted by your teammates and they keep telling you "chill buddy, the fun starts when you reach MAX level or when you get to this point" NO! I want to have fun all the way throughout... I don't want to have to wait for some END game that never arrives lol

- GRAPHICS: I absolutely LOVE the graphics in this game. I want PERFECT fluidity. So a server that messes up my Frames Per Second is a NO-NO. I can run this game at absolute max with no problems. Thanks to this 7000$ PC ;)


The name of the server on which I am at the moment is this:

"Getarked vanilla ORP 3x Ragnarok"

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