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pvp Old World PVP Clusters - Island, Center, and Rag

Guest Keera03

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Guest Keera03

Come join our Server Cluster! we have 3 servers to transfer around to! The Island, The Center, and Ragnarok! 

There is a welcome centre on each map, and a public arena to fight each other if you don't want to do the old fashioned raiding. 

Some of our players enjoy role play, while others play the game the way it was intended. All of the rules and mods were voted on as a collective of people who play on the server. We have a new Discord channel so please join this , and the webpage has all the information, rules, and links to all of the servers and the discord channel. 

The Admin only plays PVE style and does not get involved in other tribes battles and does not attack other tribes, so is just there to keep the servers going, Moderate and help any players with glitches or other issues they might experience. This meaning that the servers are free for any tribe to become the alpha tribe! 

Benefits to our server? *Constant Admin Moderating, such as keeping the maps clean from abandoned bases or traps and keeping the servers up to date. *Welcome Centers with basics to survive first day on the ark. *Public Arena. *Free Skins or hats if servers get voted on (links on webpage). *Lots of space to build. *3 maps to play on.  AND fun, fair, people to play with!!

We keep it simple and only have a few mods.

Our rates are 2x Harvesting, 2x XP, 5x taming and 5x Breeding & Maturing.

Links:    Discord- https://discord.gg/GGrD9j3

           Webpage- https://keera03.wixsite.com/oldworldark

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Come join the server and the server's discord to become apart of the community! The server has the Structures+ mod for better building; Do you still just build box bases!? Hop in the discord to speak to the members in real time and get a feel for everyone already playing. The server goes beyond the game by making sure everyone has a say on the server and interaction with other players in-game is always a treat! If you join (and are interested) ask for me, Perambulate, I'll give you a tour of my home!

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