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Open server will be going up when the update is out we have room for 20 reserve spots get your spots today!

RULES: Be friendly as in don't kill on sight don't kill tamed dinos without reason, no offline raiding I will ban anyone who is caught doing so or if it's a tribe the whole tribe will be baned, don't build in major spots like the volcano around upload terminals or in caves, don't bring in dinos that are overpowered.

Feel free to bring in friends they don't take up the spots on the server 20 is so we can fit peoples friends.


SERVER STATS:Xp will be at 3, harvest will be at 3, and taming will be up all the way, also dino stamina is open to talk if it's all the way up or not.

Server owner: Lord Vorlax (can add must message first)

Server system: Queen Verna (must add)

Server admins: Zero flash1 or zeroflash1 (can't remember the spelling) and you can ask to be a admin but must follow rules. 

So if you would like to join feel free to message me Lord Vorlax and I will let you know when the server is up for play!

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