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pvp Server 530, 35 and 39


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Server 530 is a server full of duped gigas, golems, weapons and tek structures. Until recently we were allied with the server because we developed our tribes along side one another on a scorched server, unaware of the cheating. However last week I caught them with two transmitters side by side and called them out for duping. The accused tribe "Daddy" immediately kicked us from the alliance and attacked us. The rest of the server helped them because they are in on it with them. suffice to say we held our own, defeating wave after wave of giga and bronto with our legitimately raised dinos until 11 hours later someone invited an enemy player to my tribe and we were insided while advancing to their bases. We pulled out of 530 and moved our remaining things to our scorched server. These dupers have repeatedly attacked us on our scorched with the same exact gigas that we have already killed dozens of times and continue to replenish their stock daily. My tribe alone has lost 40+ legitimately raised gigas and have been reduced to a single digit number within a week. I have video evidence and screen shots of DEAD gigas with the same sample id yet with different xp values. Our time put into this game will be for nothing if wildcard doesn't stop them or do at least something before they attack us again tonight as threatened. 

Since the developers don't give a poop about our time invested, I ask anyone who has experienced the same bullpoop to visit 530 and grief them by murdering their gigas and whatever else before they come at us again tonight. Every tribe there cheats so don't hold back.

I am not going down without a fight though so when they come I hope their duped dinos have been reduced by any amount via legit players of the community who give a Damn. 

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Guys dont let this arrogant nobody trick you into doing his work for him. This guy has insided multiple tribes on his scorch server 279 official. He started runnin his mouth and karma finally struck. Go find his base on the land bridge in west midland by the scar and finish this punk off. Hes just mad cuz he got booted from his dupping server. And if not, at least dont let him trick you into feeling sorry for him. Very two faced type of guy. Funny how the second things dont work out for him he starts trying to snitch out his buddies. In fact, i know for sure some of his tribemates have dupped. Im sure hes lookin for a new server atm cuz he knows hes screwed either way on 279. Gg bud. Let the name speak for itself xD

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