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The Flyer Nerf is Awesome


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I want to thank the developers for making such a bold move. Already our tribe is brainstorming what land Dinos to use for getting around. There is such a wide variety of viable land mounts that has opened up now due to the nerf. Exploring the world from the ground level has been a whole new experience.  The world feels so much more alive and bigger.

I think there is so much pushback because there are two major philosophies clashing here. Some like the harsh challenging survival game. While others like the building sandbox and social aspect. Neither is really a right or wrong way to play, but it's hard to find a balance that pleases both playstyles  (if it's even possible).

I wish there were some land dino improvements and buffs to go along with the nerds. Other froms of transportation like rafts need to be looked at. Faster speeds, better turning, and the ability to reverse would be awesome for The Center map. Old legacy Dinos need a rework to keep them viable.

All in all I think the flyer nerf is an awesome change for the better, but the timing wasn't great. You should have buffed land Dinos first.

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