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Hi.  This is a required post for early birds.  Interesting.  I guess normally we're supposed to introduce ourselves and say something about ourselves.  Just like real life, when you walk up to strangers and introduce yourself.  Happens all the time, right?  

Online games are absolutely bizarre (not in a bad way in my opinion).  People are able to meet through the internet mostly complete strangers and interact with them with no risk of facing any real world consequences for the most part.  I play ark on the xbox with a friend I've known since middle school and another friend who I met through (you guessed it...) online gaming.  We trade with strangers, help strangers and currently on two of the three servers we're on, are being harassed by strangers. 

Anyway, just wanted to type a bit more than hello how are you, my favorite color is blah and my favorite dino is blah blah.  Have fun and stay strange. 

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