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Fresh Dedicated server 4x xp 5x taming The Island

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Fresh Dedicated server 4x xp 5x taming The Island

Hello survivors, I am hosting a fresh dedicated server with adjusted rates on The Island.  For more infomation about the server including settings head over to reddit, see url below. 



- DO NOT build anywhere on the volcano\obelisk\carno island\caves or other metal mountain.
- DO NOT leave random crap all over the server. After you don't need something, DESTROY IT. - it helps keep the server lag free.
- DO NOT kill passive tames
- DO NOT kill other players that are in the Community Center. It's a PvP free zone that will be clearly marked. (In development)
- DO NOT destroy anything in the Community Center.
- DO NOT tame Titans
- DO NOT  ask admins for support in the game. Use reddit for that
- DO NOT despawn items when being raided
- DO NOT offline raid
- Once raided you get a 3 days protection to build up.
- You can take prisoners, If they want to be released they pay 200metal or 400stone or 400wood. You can only keep someone in prison for 15 minutes and you can't capture the same person within 3hours. During events this can change.
Anyone caught doing either of these simple rules, will have their entire tribes belongings wiped. To include all tribe dino's.


- Netherland
- Internet: 120/20


- Gamertag: jatochnietdat
- Map: The Island
- Mod: None
- Mode: PvPvE
For those of you that want to know the server settings, the complete listing is below:

General Settings

- Difficulty Level: 1.0 (This will NOT change equals 5)
- No item, dino, or tribute downloads (This will NOT change)
- Adminlog on
- Tribesize max 2
- Dino damage: 1.0
- Player Damage: 1.0
- Structure Damage: 1.0
- Player Resistance: 1.0
- Structure Damage: 1.0
- Player resistance: 1.0
- Dino Resistance: 1.0
- Structure Resistance: 1.0
- XP Multiplier: 4
- Tame Speed:  5 (This will NOT change)
- Structure Damage Repair Cooldown: 100.0
- Dino Turret Damage: 2.0 (Dino's take more damage from turrets)
- Harvest Amount: 5 (This will NOT change)
- Player Water Drain: 0.5 (Water drains slower)
- Player Food Drain: 0.5 (Food drains slower)
- Dino Food Drain: 1.0
- Player Stamina Drain: 1.0
- Player Health Recovery: 2.0
- Dino Health Recovery: 2.0
- Player Harvesting Damage: 1.0

Rules Settings

- Enable Structure Prevention Volumes: Enabled
- Override Structure Platform Prevention: Enabled (Turrets can be built on Dino Platforms)

World Settings

- Day Cycle Speed: 0.84 (24 hour in game day equals 60 minute IRL) 
- Day Time Speed: 0.75 
- Night Time Speed: 1.5
- Item Decomposition Time:  2.0 (Items take longer to decay when dropped)
- Corpse Decomposition Time:2.0 (Body decays slower, more time to retrieve items)
- Crop Growth Speed: 20
- Crop Decay Speed: 1.0
- Baby Imprinting Stat Scale Speed: 10.0 (Doesn't work)
- Poop Interval: 1.0
- Lay Egg Interval: 0.5 (wandering dino's used for mating, lay eggs faster)
- Mating Interval: 0.2 (wandering dino's mate faster)
- Egg Hatch Speed: 20.0 (eggs hatch faster, 30 minute for Wyverns)
- Baby Mature Speed: 12.0 (Faster baby growing speed, looking for fast and 100% rex imprint) 
- Baby Food Consumption Speed: 1.0
- Resource Respawn Speed: 1.0 (How fast natural resources respawn)
- Baby Cuddle Interval Multiplier: 0.07 (Doesn't work, is linked with mature speed)
- Baby Cuddle Grace Period: x (Doesn't work)
- Baby Cuddle Lose Imprint Quality Speed Multiplier:x (Doesn't work)

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Nice server! I've been playing SP all the time because of the crappy servers but yesterday I decided to try your server quickly and I must say it was the best online experience I've had so far. 

quick question: due to the harvest multiplier, wouldn't it be nice to slightly increase the weight stats of your character as well as for tamed dinos?

Keep on hosting! 



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2 hours ago, Nille said:


Nice server! I've been playing SP all the time because of the crappy servers but yesterday I decided to try your server quickly and I must say it was the best online experience I've had so far. 

quick question: due to the harvest multiplier, wouldn't it be nice to slightly increase the weight stats of your character as well as for tamed dinos?

Keep on hosting! 



Hi Nille, 

Good to hear you had a good experience on the server, I hope you have plenty more of them. 

Thanks for the suggestion. I fully agree on a weight boost and will implement a slight boost with the next start of the server.  




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