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Ark Trading Discord Channel - All Platforms


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Ark Trading Discord Channel - All Platforms

I've created an "Ark Survivor Hub" Discord channel.

This is a place for Ark players of all platforms to arrange trades, find tribes, tribe mates, advertise servers and discuss the game. If you don't know about Discord it's a free to use app available for pretty much every device and desktop.

On the left hand side are the text channels. The "welcome-instructions" channel explains how to use the discord and pinned at the top of each text channel is a description of how to use each channel correctly.

There are also free to use voice rooms available, which can be seen by scrolling down the left hand side. These have advantages over PSN/XBL and even Skype party chats as you can have as many members in one chat as possible, individually adjust users volume levels and set your mic to voice activity or push to talk so no more annoying background noise.

Any headset/mic that will work with your phone/computer will work with Discord.

We have only been open 2 days and already have 300 members and growing fast.

To join this community use this link http://bit.ly/arksurvivor

Once you have joined you will be given a "Survivor" rank by default. But if you would like a particular rank to show which format and mode you play ask for a rank in the "ask-for-rank" text channel!


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