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Change Center Portal Recipe?


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Basically copying a question I asked on steam discussions with no nibbles.

I was wondering if it is possible to modify the item requirements to open the portal to the bosses on the Center. I have a dedicated server for my friends and need a good reason to send them down into the deep sea, the idea of which makes them defecate. Specifically, I want to add Tuso squid tentacles to the requirements. I haven't been able to find much information on modifying crafting recipes, much less if they're even applicable to portals, so I tried making one based off an example in the wiki but it didn't work.

Here's the line I put into the game.ini file, in the same folder as the server's gameusersettings.ini


When I launch the server and recheck the game.ini, the line is gone, which I believe is a result of the game being unable to use it. I've never tried something like this before so any help would be appreciated.

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